Agenda item

Head of Service Report


The Acting Head of Service, Lindsay Davidson, presented the report of the service’s recent activities, and drew the Committee’s attention to the following:

a)  Sue Aubusson was introduced as officer with responsibility for developing the website for young people, in accordance with the Local Youth offer;

b)  Val Wilson had recently retired after 28 years service with theYouth Service;

c)  A recent arson attack had put Charing Cross YC out action.  An incendiary had been put through a roof light causing damage to electrical systems.  The centre was hoping to reopen on 11th December, in time for Christmas;

d)  The Youth Outreach Team had been engaging with an Indie group in Birkenhead, and successfully directed them to be part of the activities at Grange Baptists;

e)  The Virtual Baby project (ref: Minute 57, Y&PSAC, 7th May 2009) was continuing and expanding;

f)    The Youth Crime Action Plan (YCAP) in collaboration with the Youth Outreach Team in Seacombe was proving successful;

g)  The Wirral Youth Theatre (WYT) “Swings & Roundabouts” Project (ref: Minute 56, Y&PSAC, 7th May 2009) had been extended thank to support from Merseyside Police.  WYT are looking to develop break dancing, following funding from the Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) and pupils from Foxfield and Meadowside Schools were working towards their Bronze Arts Awards;

h)  “Response’s” STOP GAP programme for supporting homeless young people continues meet its targets, and funding for the project to continue through 2010 is being sought.  On the drug front, alcohol and cannabis are still at the top of the list, despite new usage trends. The Alcohol Worker reported engaging with 747 young people for advice and information;

i)    The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE) was inspected by the Adventure Activity Licensing Authority (AALA), and has been awarded a licence to operate for the next two years. E-DofE is now up and running, providing integrated on-line access for participants, leaders, parents and operating authorities;

j)    This year’s international exchange with Hong Kong was now complete and had been successful.  Exchanges with Hong Kong began in 1992;

k)  The partnership with Wirral Metropolitan College for NVQs for Youth Support Workers continues, and on 16th October 2009 the last cohort were presented with their City & Guilds Certificates by the Vice-Principal of the College;

l)    The Youth Participation Agenda continues to develop.  Recent events include a Residential at Trafford Hall where young people resolved to support and strengthen the District Youth Forums; the 4th Youth Parliament; a debate with Elected Members in the Council Chamber on the perceptions of young people and four young people had been to the Old Trafford Football Stadium to meet the Secretary of State, Rt. Hon. Ed Balls.  There they were able to question him over Post 16 options, Advice and Guidance, the future of Connexions and Apprenticeships;

m)  A sub-group of the YOF/YCF Grant Panel were looking into ways to support and ease travel for young people;

n)  “Mischief Fortnight” (i.e. half term holidays at the same time as Hallowe’en and Bonfire/Guy Fakes Night) was about to start, and youth service had been liaising other agencies such as Merseyside Fire & Rescue.


Members expressed concern at the large number of young people involved in alcohol, but were pleased at the level of interventions by youth service.


Members were pleased that there was so much positive and successful activity, and felt it should be better promoted by press releases.




i)  That Val Wilson be thanked for her service and accept the Committee’s best wishes in her retirement;

ii)  That the issue of more press releases to promote young people positively be investigated; and

iii)  That the Head of Service be thanked for her report.


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