Agenda item

Public Question Time and Area Forum Partner updates


Rod Jones (Wirral University Teaching Hospital) – Gave an overview of his intense report which was available to all members of the public at the meeting.  Stated that the hospital maintained its previous excellent high standards in a maintenance check. 


Shymal Mukherjee (Primary Care Trust) – Gave an update on Swine Flu.  New Swine Flu centres have now opened within Tesco, Bidston and Asda, Liscard.  Immunisations start in the next few weeks.  Also in relation to the ‘Voice of Wallasey’, Dr Mukherjee attended the meeting last month and informed all attendees of the forum meeting that they need to elect a new Chair which means that the ‘people’ will have a direct influence on the Health Service in Wallasey


Victoria Centre Hospital now has a walk in centre which is open from 8am to 8pm.  Doctors are available there and there is an x-ray machine however all emergencies should still to the A & E department in Arrowe Park Hospital. 


4.1 Q – Are we not eligible for the Swine Flu vaccination if our GP does not contact us?


Shymal Mukherjee – GPs will be contacting all those eligible patients first however contact your GP anyway for more information. 


Inspector Peter Kolokotroni (Merseyside Police) – Gave an overview of the substantial report that was available to the public at the meeting.  Informed all attendees that crime is down, notably criminal damage and burglaries dwelling.  There will be more Policing over bonfire night.  Can look on their web page for all other information


Sergeant Justin Diggins (Merseyside Police – New Brighton) – Again, gave an overview of his substantial report that was available to the public at the meeting.  Spoke briefly of ‘Operation Argos’ in relation to terrorism training however due to the fact that no business managers attended he did not get into more detail.  He has received a lot of calls regarding Rake Lane Cemetry and would like to reassure members of the public that he matter has now been resolved.  Merseyside Police received 25 phone calls in September in relation to this and none this month which is an excellent result. 


Egerton Street – the drugs raid and warrants have had a positive affect – 1 person has been evicted and another eviction is going through. 


Inspector Peter Kolokotroni added that they now do Chaperoned Army Courses to teach troubles youths discipline.  It has been very successful and has got youths into employment or college.


4.2 Q – Are there any regulations for fireworks before bonfire night?

Justin Diggins This is something that we are trying to target.


Peter Kolokotroni They are not allowed to be set off after 11pm.  Every school child and retailer has had a letter addressing issues and reinforced law and legislation and consequences.  We are also making random checks at retailers .


Member of the public thanked Merseyside Police for their reponse.


4.3 Q Cllr S Taylor – Is there a specific period of when fireworks can be sold.


Justin Diggins I believe it is 15 October – 10 November.


Member of the public stated that people do let them off outside of this time though.


Justin Diggins We do not really suffer a problem though.


Peter Kolokotroni People don’t ring the police so if we do not see this happen then we can’t act on it.


Cllr L Rennie I am a member of the Fire Authority and the main way of bringing fireworks in is Felixstowe.  Revenue & Customs and the Fire Service are trying to prevent this


4.4 Q – The Police should put pressure on the Government as to why they are allowed to sell fireworks after bonfire night.  I would like to see it more restricted i.e 7 days. 


Justin Diggins We would all like to see that but unfortunately it is a very big issue.


Joseph Fish (Older Peoples Parliament) – Informed the area forum that they now have over 800 members and the more members they can get the better.  All members receive a monthly newsletter and they have four meeting per year at Wallasey Town Hall.  He then proceeded to give an overview of information leaflet that was available for all at the area forum.


4.5 Q Cllr K Wood – Where is the money for the Older Peoples Parliament coming from to purchase bins and benches?


Andy Brannan – Along withthe Area Forums and Youth Parliament, the Older Peoples Parliament were given their own allocation of funding under the You Decide Scheme.


Member of the public added that he has attended 2 respect days with the Older Peoples Parliament and they were excellent.


4.6 Q Martin Revans (Business Representative) – The Birkenhead Census Point, what crimes are afoot for this to be in place?


Dave Green (Lead Officer) – The envelope can explain more than me.  It is basically a traffic model to understand traffic movement in the Borough.  It is a requirement – Liverpool and Halton already have it done and now it is our turn.


4.7 Q – 3 buses were diverted on Victoria Road – this is not suitable for the elderly.  I wrote to the bus company and suggested a temporary stop!


Cllr S Taylor – The job on Rowson Street was not completed by United Utilities There was some confusion when the bus drivers were still using the old stop use it. 


4.8 Q – The playbuilder programme in Wirral is getting 1.3 million with £60k to spent on childrens areas, what is that being used for?  Is it being used to fix the cage as it is in a state at the moment?


Cllr A Pritchard – We have asked for the cage to be removed and a proper 5 a side pitch put there as the cage is dangerous.


Cllr S Taylor – the £60K is to upgrade the childrens area and play area equipment – it is not for the cage.


Stonacre garage on Rowson Street – we now have a petition against them in relation to the obstruction and litter and are meeting with them on Saturday at 10:30am.  Anybody is welcome to come if it affects them.


4.9 Q – With an adequate turnout I do think these forums are good for electorum.


Chair – We do need to look into the bad attendance but for now any ideas are welcome.


4.10 Q – I feel that Councillors are only there when there is a problem they are never actually there when you need them


Cllr L Rennie Councillors do get in touch with people and often have leaflets posted.  We are also office based so we are very easily accessible. 


Member of the public states he is a member of a sports club and he puts up leaflets there and nobody is really interested.


Andy Brannan – low attendance is not unique for us.  Another authority had 3 meetings with no attendance.  This is just one way to contact the council and people will only attend these if they have a problem.  You can get in touch with anybody here including myself – we are always trying to improve our service so if anybody has any suggestions please contact me. 


Cllr L Rennie I feel this is a great opportunity for people to come and have their say. 


Member of the public stated that he knew nothing of area forums until tonight when his wife ‘dragged him here’.  He was amazed by how many representatives have made an effort to turn up and stated that if his friends knew what type of people turned up to the area forums then he is sure that they would attend.  He felt it was bad advertising as to why not many people attended.


Andy Brannan – We are trying to improve so if anyone has any suggestions they will be more than welcome.


Michelle Gray – we are trying to build relationships – we get in touch with the people who have had funding and ask them to let other people know about us.  We piloted this scheme in the Bebington and Clatterbridge area forum and out of the 12 groups who had funding, 5 turned up on the night.  We are trying to build up numbers.


4.11 Q – What about 7 waves radio or feedback in the papers to what happened at the forum and remember not everybody gets the local free papers.


Andy Brannan – We have been on 7 waves and we are now looking into putting out dates on the bin calenders. 


Cllr S Taylor – I think forums do need a re-launch with a bit more detail as to what people are being invited to.


Dave Green (Lead Officer) – I would like to see more people here.  There is a scheme in the Council at the minute as to how we can get greater numbers.  We anticipate new ideas by Christmas.


Michelle Gray – we could also put updates in the paper a couple of times from now until the next area forum with updates then in February, advertise the forum.