Agenda item

Public Questions

Notice of question to be given in writing or by email by 12 noon, 9 March 2023 to the Council’s Monitoring Officer via this link: Public Question Form and to be dealt with in accordance with Standing Order 10.


For more information on how your personal information will be used, please see this link: Document Data Protection Protocol for Public Speakers at Committees | Wirral Council


Please telephone the Committee Services Officer if you have not received an acknowledgement of your question by the deadline for submission.



The Chair indicated that 6 public questions had been received.


Children from Pensby Primary School asked a question about when a crossing would be considered on Pensby road between Greenbank drive and Ashlea road. The Chair thanked the children for attending and asking their important question and reported that the Combined Authority Transport Plan Programme report being considered later in the meeting included a full review list of locations of requests for road safety improvements from the community. This location was included on the list and confirmed the proposal to introduce a 20mph speed limit but also mentioned that The Council would undertake a pedestrian crossing assessment in the area.


Hannah Crook asked a question about the lack of speeding measures outside Heswall Primary School. The Chair responded that Wirral Council had introduced a 20mph speed limit outside Heswall primary School and provided a fully trained School Crossing Patrol to assist the school community. It was outlined that Wirral Council’s Road Safety Team were proactively working with Heswall Primary School and Merseyside Police to develop education initiatives and interventions. Monitoring of the speed and parking complaints were being undertaken.


A supplementary question was asked about road closure for St George’s Primary School in Wallasey and whether this could be done for Heswall Primary too, the Chair stated that a written response would be provided within 10 working days.


Kelly Newell asked a question about when changes to the traffic system at Spital would be made following her son being involved in a tragic accident which had left him with life changing injuries in 2020. The Chair thanked Kelly for asking her question and suggestions on improving road safety, a topic close to the Chairs heart, and gave assurance that officers were working hard on this location, and it was progressing as fast as possible whilst ensuring the best possible outcome. The Chair outlined that it was vital that any changes made did not end up causing more harm than good and so the preliminary studies must be done properly.


David Cross asked what risk assessments the Council had conducted at the Three Stags Crossroads and suggested the use of rumble strips as a traffic calming measure. The Chair responded that the proposed scheme would be considered further down the agenda - alongside schemes at other locations - for inclusion in the appropriate transport programmes to be delivered in 2023-24 and beyond and thanked Mr Cross for the suggestion of rumble strips but outlined that such measures could only be used in areas where the noise impact would be minimal.


Lisa Anderson asked if the Committee would ensure the whole of the junction was made safe on Spital Road after her father lost his life following an accident. The Chair empathised with Lisa and agreed that all possible means of making roads safer should be put in place as soon as possible. The Chair reported that the area would be considered as part of the junction improvement scheme proposed at Spital Crossroads which was due to be considered further down the agenda.


Councillor Mike Collins asked if money from the Active Travel fund could be used to provide a crossing that the children and community of Pensby were asking for. The Chair replied that Active Travel Funding was provided for the delivery of named schemes which had been approved by Active Travel England on behalf of the Department for Transport and as such once the funding had been awarded it could not be used for the delivery of other schemes.