Agenda item
Appointment of Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Committees
To appoint:
the Leader of the Council (Chair of Policy and Resources
the Deputy Leader of the Council (Vice-Chair of Policy and
Resources Committee)
(iii) the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of all other Council committees, at A above, other than those which the Council has decided should be appointed by the committee itself.
The third matter requiring approval was in relation to the appointment of Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Committees.
In relation to the election of the Leader of the Council (and Chair of Policy & Resources Committee), it was moved by Councillor Angie Davies, seconded by Councillor Jean Robinson, that Councillor Paul Stuart be elected.
It was moved by Councillor Pat Cleary, seconded by Councillor Harry Gorman, that Councillor Pat Cleary be elected.
The Civic Mayor indicated that there would be no debate and that the Council would vote on the nomination of Councillor Paul Stuart as the first nomination received in time.
Prior to the vote, a number of Members rose to request a recorded vote in accordance with Standing Order 17.4. A recorded vote was then taken on the appointment of Councillor Paul Stuart as Leader of the Council (and Chair of Policy & Resources Committee) as follows:
(49) Councillors Ann Ainsworth, Paula Basnett, Gary Bennett, Stephen Bennett, Max Booth, Allan Brame, Helen Cameron, Chris Carubia, Tony Cox, Angie Davies, Graham Davies, George Davies, Steve Foulkes, Phil Gilchrist, Jeff Green, Liz Grey, Brenda Hall, Andrew Hodson, Kathy Hodson, Gail Jenkinson, Paul Jobson, Tony Jones, Mary Jordan, Stuart Kelly, Brian Kenny, Daisy Kenny, Tom Laing, Ian Lewis, Louise Luxon-Kewley, Paul Martin, Grahame McManus, Julie McManus, Simon Mountney, Tony Murphy, Richie Pitt, Cherry Povall, Sue Powell-Wilde, Helen Raymond, Mike Redfern, Lesley Rennie, Jean Robinson, Mark Skillicorn, James Stewart Laing, Kaitlin Stuart, Paul Stuart, Mike Sullivan, Janette Williamson, Vida Wilson and Gill Wood.
(13) Councillors Jo Bird, Pat Cleary, Chris Cooke, Harry Gorman, Naomi Graham, Judith Grier, Ed Lamb, Craig McDonald, Ruth Molyneux, Kieran Murphy, Amanda Onwuemene, Ewan Tomeny and Jason Walsh.
(1) Councillor Jerry Williams
As the motion was clearly carried, the Civic Mayor informed Council that no further vote was required and therefore declared that –
(1) Councillor Paul Stuart be appointed Leader of the Council (Chair of the Policy and Resources Committee).
Having been invited by the Civic Mayor to make his acceptance speech, Councillor Stuart then spoke to his election as Leader.
In relation to the election of the Deputy Leader of the Council (and Vice-Chair of Policy & Resources Committee), it was moved by Councillor Paul Stuart, seconded by Councillor Angie Davies, that Councillor Jean Robinson be elected.
It was moved by Councillor Jo Bird, seconded by Councillor Ed Lamb, that Councillor Jo Bird be elected.
The Civic Mayor indicated that there would be no debate and that the Council would vote on the nomination of Councillor Jean Robinson as the first nomination received in time.
Prior to the vote, a number of Members rose to request a recorded vote in accordance with Standing Order 17.4. A recorded vote was then taken on the appointment of Councillor Jean Robinson as Deputy Leader of the Council (and Vice-Chair of Policy & Resources Committee) as follows:
(49) Councillors Ann Ainsworth, Paula Basnett, Gary Bennett, Stephen Bennett, Max Booth, Allan Brame, Helen Cameron, Chris Carubia, Tony Cox, Angie Davies, Graham Davies, George Davies, Steve Foulkes, Phil Gilchrist, Jeff Green, Liz Grey, Brenda Hall, Andrew Hodson, Kathy Hodson, Gail Jenkinson, Paul Jobson, Tony Jones, Mary Jordan, Stuart Kelly, Brian Kenny, Daisy Kenny, Tom Laing, Ian Lewis, Louise Luxon-Kewley, Paul Martin, Grahame McManus, Julie McManus, Simon Mountney, Tony Murphy, Richie Pitt, Cherry Povall, Sue Powell-Wilde, Helen Raymond, Mike Redfern, Lesley Rennie, Jean Robinson, Mark Skillicorn, James Stewart Laing, Kaitlin Stuart, Paul Stuart, Mike Sullivan, Janette Williamson, Vida Wilson and Gill Wood.
(13) Councillors Jo Bird, Pat Cleary, Chris Cooke, Harry Gorman, Naomi Graham, Judith Grier, Ed Lamb, Craig McDonald, Ruth Molyneux, Kieran Murphy, Amanda Onwuemene, Ewan Tomeny and Jason Walsh.
(1) Councillor Jerry Williams
As the motion was clearly carried, the Civic Mayor informed Council that no further vote was required and therefore declared that –
B. Resolved –
(2) That Councillor Jean Robinson be appointed Deputy Leader of the Council (Vice-Chair of the Policy and Resources Committee).
In relation to the appointment of Chairs and Vice-Chairs, it was moved by Councillor Paul Stuart, seconded by Councillor Jean Robinson, that the Chairs and Vice-Chairs as listed in the supplementary agenda be appointed for the 2023/24 municipal year.
An amendment was moved by Councillor Pat Cleary, seconded by Councillor Ewan Tomeny, that Councillor Cleary be appointed as Chair of Pensions Committee. Following further members indicating that they wished to move amendments, the Civic Mayor adjourned the meeting at 18:53pm.
The meeting resumed at 19.11pm.
The original amendment from Councillor Pat Cleary was withdrawn.
An amendment was then moved by Councillor Amanda Onwuemene, seconded by Councillor Jason Walsh, that the appointments as detailed in the supplementary agenda be agreed, subject to the following changes:
Councillor Amanda Onwuemene be appointed Chair of the Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee.
Councillor Naomi Graham be appointed Vice-Chair of the Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee.
Councillor Pat Cleary be appointed Chair of Pensions Committee.
Councillor Chris Cooke be appointed as Vice-Chair of Regulatory and General Purposes Committee.
Following a number of members speaking to the amendment, and Councillor Paul Stuart exercising his right of reply as mover of the original motion, the amendment was put to the vote and lost (12:50) (1 abstention).
The original motion was then put to the vote and was carried (50:12) (1 abstention). It was therefore –
C. Resolved –
(3) That Chairs and Vice-Chairs be appointed to Committees as referred to in the list circulated in the supplementary agenda, and that the appointments be as set out below.
Committee |
Chair |
Vice-Chair |
Policy and Resources |
Paul Stuart |
Jean Robinson |
Adult Social Care and Public Health |
Janette Williamson |
Phil Gilchrist |
Children, Young People and Education |
Sue Powell-Wilde |
Chris Carubia |
Economy, Regeneration and Housing |
Tony Jones |
Andrew Hodson |
Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport |
Liz Grey |
Max Booth |
Tourism Communities, Culture and Leisure |
Helen Cameron |
Paul Martin |
Audit and Risk Management |
Jenny Johnson |
George Davies |
Pensions |
Julie McManus |
Cherry Povall |
Planning |
Stuart Kelly |
Steve Foulkes |
Regulatory and General Purposes |
Andrew Hodson |
Stephen Bennett |
Supporting documents: