Agenda item
Community Asset Transfer
- Meeting of Tourism, Communities, Culture & Leisure Committee, Thursday, 22nd June 2023 6.00 p.m. (Item 10.)
- View the background to item 10.
The Assistant Director for Special Projects presented the report of the Director of Resources which updated Members on the community asset transfer (CAT) of Hoylake Municipal Golf Course and made recommendations on community asset transfer (CAT) matters relating to Bromborough Civic Centre, Woodchurch Leisure Centre and Brackenwood Golf Course. It built upon the CAT decisions made by this committee at its meetings of 16 June 2022, 25 October 2022, 2 February 2023 and 9 March 2023.
Members were informed that recommendations within the report enabled the Committee to make decisions on the assets that were in scope for Community Asset Transfer (CAT). If Committee resolved to transfer Brackenwood Golf Course to Brackenwood Community Golf Limited, and Bromborough Civic Centre to one of the two groups who had submitted business plans, then under the Constitution, this must be a recommendation to the Policy and Resources Committee, for their decision, as the asset values are over £500,000.
The Assistant Director for Special Projects gave a comprehensive overview of each recommendation and Members agreed to consider and discuss the three recommendations separately.
Members discussed any financial loss in relation to Community benefits and discussed the viability and maintenance of a hybrid approach. Also discussed was the potential pressures on the Oval and were advised that there was a list of potential hub sites for other sports facility locations. Members were advised that several of these locations were subject to a Community Asset Transfer process which was pending decision. Members also discussed the issues surrounding parking provision and environmental impact, including a baseline for bio-diversity.
On a motion by the chair, seconded by Councillor Ruth Molyneux it was,
Resolved- That
(1) the Director of Finance be authorised to conclude negotiations on the heads of terms in exempt Appendix 2, for the transfer of Brackenwood Golf Course to Brackenwood Community Golf Limited, once an increase in the rent proposal from the company is agreed, and some provision for very small football/tennis pitches has been explored. This should form part of the recommendation to Policy and Resources Committee as the Asset value is £950k which is above the value that can be agreed by this Committee or the Director of Resources.
Bromborough Civic Centre
Members discussed the three options and asked for clarity on several of the options. Members then agreed to discuss the exempt items in a closed session and moved the exemption.
It was therefore, resolved - That, under section 100 (A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined by paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A (as amended) to that Act. The Public Interest test has been applied and favours exclusion.
Following the resumption of the open session, on a motion moved by the Chair, seconded by Councillor Jenny Johnson, it was –
Resolved – That
(2) since the committee is minded to try and move towards a Community Asset Transfer for Bromborough Civic Centre, this item be moved to the July committee to enable a workshop to be convened so as to give both business cases the examination they deserve.
Woodchurch Leisure Centre
On a Motion by Councillor Angie Davies and Seconded by Councillor Paul Jobson it was –
Resolved (7:4) – That,
(3) the consideration of the future of Woodchurch Leisure Centre had been ongoing for quite some time and now requires urgent consideration and determination. To that end, the business case is to be referred to the Director of Finance for his immediate attention, following which a report is to be brought to the meeting of Policy and Resources Committee on 12 July for determination, ensuring that members are acquainted with all key facts.
Supporting documents:
- Appendix 3 - Brackenwood Municipal Golf Course Plan, item 10. PDF 701 KB