Agenda item

APP/23/00471: Grazing Land Leasowe Road, Wallasey Village, Wirral, CH45 8LP, Erection of 13 dwellings together with associated infrastructure, access, internal roads, landscaping and associated works


The Development Management Manager presented the report of the Director of Regeneration and Place in relation to the above application for consideration.


Objectors to the application, Sharon Edwards and Pat Richie, addressed the Committee.


Ward Councillors Ian Lewis and Lesley Rennie addressed the Committee.


The Applicant, Dave Dargan addressed the Committee.


On a motion by the Chair and seconded Councillor Steve Foulkes it was –


Resolved (unanimously) – that the application be approved subject to the following conditions:


1. The development hereby permitted shall begin not later than 3 years from the date of this decision.


2. Except where modified by the conditions attached to this planning permission, the development hereby approved relates to and shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plan:


· Location Plan PL.001(B)

· Existing Site Plan PL.002(B)

· Proposed Site Plan 1:500 PL.003(K)

· Proposed Site Plan 1:200 PL.004(H)

· Proposed Street Elevations PL.005(D)

· Proposed Boundary Location and Details PL.006(D)

· Unit Type 1 – 3B6P House – Plans and Elevations PL.007(E)

· Unit Type 2 – 3B6P House – Plans and Elevations PL.007-01(C)

· Unit Type 2a – 3B6P House – Plans and Elevations PL.007-02(A)

· Unit Type 2b – 3B6P House – Plans and Elevations PL.007-03(A)

· Indicative External Works PL.0013(A)

· Indicative Landscaping Plan PL.0012(D)

· Proposed Finished Floor Levels PL.0015(C)


3. Prior to the commencement of development an Affordable Housing Scheme shall be submitted and approved by the Local Planning Authority in writing. As part of this affordable housing scheme, and this development. At least 20% (At least 3 units) of the development shall form Affordable Housing Units within the development. The affordable housing shall be retained in accordance with the approved scheme.


 4. Prior to development above damp proof course level proposed site levels shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved details shall be implemented before the development is brought into use.


5. Notwithstanding any description of the materials in the application, no development shall be commenced above damp-proof course levels until samples of the materials to be used in the construction of the external walls and roof(s) of the building(s) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. All roofing and external facing materials used in the construction of the development shall conform to the materials thereby approved.


6. Windows identified as obscure glazing in the approved drawings, shall be installed as such before the proposed dwellings are brought into use and shall not be altered, and maintained as such in perpetuity. This shall be level 4 obscurity or above.


7. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted flood risk assessment (ref: Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Management Strategy / ref: HYD779_GREENLEAS.CLOSE_FRA&DMS / rev 3.0 / dated 20 April 2023 / by BETTS HYDRO Consulting Engineers) and the following mitigation measures it details:


· Finished floor levels shall be set no lower than 5.00 metres above Ordnance Datum (AOD)

· Incorporation of flood resilience and resistance measures and materials into the developments design and construction.

· Safe access and egress from the site during all flood event scenarios.

These mitigation measures shall be fully implemented prior to occupation and subsequently in accordance with the scheme’s timing/ phasing arrangements. The measures detailed above shall be retained and maintained thereafter throughout the lifetime of the development.


8. Prior to the commencement of development, a Construction and Environmental Management Plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by The Local Planning Authority. The provisions of the Construction and Environmental Management Plan shall be implemented in full during the period of construction and shall not be varied unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.


9. Prior to the removal of the existing footway a full scheme of works for the reinstatement to standard footway levels of the existing vehicle access on Leasowe Road from the highway that is rendered obsolete by the development shall be submitted and approved in writing by the LPA. The development shall not be occupied until the approved works have

been completed in accordance with the approved scheme.


10. No development, except for site enabling works including site clearance, groundworks, and foundations, shall commence until a full scheme of works and timetable for the construction of the new highways and/or amendment of the existing highway made necessary by this development, including new carriageways, footways, street lighting, surface water drainage, traffic signs, road markings, traffic calming (including the introduction of a 20mph Traffic Regulation Order), tactile paved pedestrian crossings, street furniture, access onto the adjacent highway has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved works shall be completed in accordance with the Local Planning Authority written approval prior to occupation of the development.


11. Any tree or scrub clearance shall be conducted outside of the breeding bird season (March – September). If this is not possible then a breeding bird survey should be conducted by a suitably qualified ecologist prior to works commencing. If nesting birds are discovered, then the area around the nest shall be isolated and works halted until nesting has finished.


12. All construction activities shall comply with general environmental best practice measures including:


· the measures set out in the Environment Agency’s Pollution Prevention Guidelines;

· excavations should be sealed overnight or should have at least one shallow sloping side allowing animals to escape should they fall in;

· an ecologist shall be contacted for advice should any protected species be discovered during construction; and,

· appropriate measures to suppress dust should be put in place during hot, dry, or windy weather;

· broadleaved trees, hedgerows and the ruderal vegetation on site are suitable to be used by nesting birds. Therefore, vegetation removal should be undertaken outside of the breeding bird season (which is from March to August inclusive). If this is not possible, a suitably experienced ecologist should check the habitat for breeding bird

activity no more than 48 hours before clearance. If nesting activity is found, it will need to be left in situ until the nesting effort has been completed.


13. Prior to development reaching damp-proof course level and installation of landscaping features a Biodiversity Enhancement Plan (including stock details and quantities) demonstrating a Biodiversity Net Gain will be provided to the LPA for approval in writing, and should include clearly marked-up plans showing:

· bat and bird nesting boxes; and,

· the creation of habitats through planting of native trees, hedgerows and grassed areas.


The approved plan shall be fully implemented as approved.

Reason: to maintain the landscape and biodiversity value of the site and comply with Policy NC7 of the Wirral Unitary Development Plan Adopted 2000) and comply with Section 15 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

14. The development hereby permitted by this planning permission, including all components of the sustainable drainage system, shall be carried out in accordance with the approved Drainage Layout shown on:


· 23010-AJF-ZZ-ZZ-DR-D-001 dated March 2023 – Proposed Surface Water Drainage

Layout – Sheet 1 / by AJF Structural Engineering; and,

· 23010-AJF-ZZ-ZZ-DR-D-002 dated March 2023 – Proposed Surface Water Drainage

Layout – Sheet 2 / by AJF Structural Engineering.


For the avoidance of doubt, the surface water discharge rate from the development shall be no more than 2.0 l/s.

The approved scheme shall be fully constructed prior to occupation in accordance with the approved details, phasing and timetable embodied within the approved Sustainable Drainage Strategy (shown on the Drainage Layout drawings), or within any other period as may subsequently be agreed, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Lead Local Flood Authority.


15. The development hereby permitted by this planning permission, including all components of the sustainable drainage system, shall be carried out in accordance with the approved final Sustainable Drainage Strategy, including any phasing embodied within, and maintained in perpetuity in accordance with an agreed Operation and Maintenance Plan, to be submitted for each development phase, approved by the Local Planning Authority, in consultation with the Lead Local Flood Authority.


The approved drainage scheme shall be fully constructed prior to occupation in accordance with the approved details, phasing and timetable embodied within the approved final Sustainable Drainage Strategy, or within any other period as may subsequently be agreed,

in writing, by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Lead Local Flood Authority. ‘As built’ drainage design/layout drawings and a final Operation and Maintenance Plan, confirming asset details and maintenance arrangements, shall be submitted to the

Lead Local Flood Authority, in accordance with any approved phasing, prior to occupation.

Reason: To ensure satisfactory sustainable drainage facilities are provided to serve the site and that maintenance arrangements are in place to ensure an acceptable standard of operation for the lifetime of the development in accordance with Paragraphs 167 and 169 of the National Planning Policy Framework.


16. In the event that previously unidentified contamination is found at any time when carrying out the approved development immediate contact must be made with the Local Planning Authority and works must cease in that area. An investigation and risk assessment must be undertaken and where remediation is necessary a remediation scheme must be prepared, submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Following completion of the remedial works identified in the approved remediation strategy a verification report must be prepared, submitted to and approved in writing of the Local Planning Authority.


17. Prior to development above damp proof course level a scheme of landscaping shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved landscaping shall be carried out prior to the occupation of any part of the development. Any trees or plants that within a period of five years after planting, are removed, die or become, in the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, seriously damaged or defective shall be replaced with others of a species, size and number as originally approved in the first available planting season unless the Local Planning Authority gives its written consent to

any variation.


18. Prior to occupation of the approved houses, refuse and cycle provision shall be provided within the rear gardens of each house and made available for use, and the provision shall be maintained as such thereafter.


19. The residential houses hereby approved shall be constructed to incorporate the noise mitigation measures identified within the Environmental Noise Survey by Red Acoustics (ref: R1577-REP01-PB)


20. Prior to occupation of each individual house hereby approved, the car parking spaces associated with that individual house, shown on approved drawing PL.004(H), shall be provided and made available for use, and shall be maintained as such thereafter.


21. Prior to development above damp proof course level a Management Plan to cover the areas of the site that are not buildings, private amenity space or highway shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Management Plan shall include details of appearance, landscaping, lighting, use, accessibility, security and

maintenance of these areas.

Prior to occupation of the residential units hereby approved the Management Plan shall be enacted, and the development shall be operated in accordance with the approved Management Plan thereafter.


22. No development shall take place until a Site Waste Management Plan, confirming how demolition and construction waste will be recovered and re-used on the site or at other sites, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved Plan shall be implemented in full unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.

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