Agenda item

Public Questions

Notice of question to be given in writing or by email by 12 noon, 15 June 2023 to the Council’s Monitoring Officer via this link: Public Question Form and to be dealt with in accordance with Standing Order 10.


For more information on how your personal information will be used, please see this link: Document Data Protection Protocol for Public Speakers at Committees | Wirral Council


Please telephone the Committee Services Officer if you have not received an acknowledgement of your question by the deadline for submission.



The Chair indicated that 4 public questions had been received from 3 members of the public.


Arthur Shaw asked a question regarding Redbridge Quay on the Wirral Waters development and the lack of fencing at the edge of the water.


In response the Chair explained that the landowner had previously been offered grant funding for the installation of a cycle route around the dock edge and if this was to be installed there had been a recommendation to include a railing at the water’s edge. The developer did not submit an updated design to include a barrier and the offer of grant funding had been withdrawn.  The Council’s view was that installation of a barrier along the dock edge was an appropriate response, however the decision in this respect was a matter for the landowner.


Arthur Shaw asked a supplementary question, querying what had changed during the development process as sections of the dock edge next to Redbridge Quay did have barriers.


The Chair noted that he sympathised with the issue and stated that the Council would ensure that Peel Holdings were made aware of Arthur Shaw’s representations. 


William Alan Featherstone on behalf of the Birkenhead Market Tenants Association asked two questions. The first question asked if Councillors would agree to release information previously requested of the Market Manager and whether Councillors would meet with members of the Birkenhead Market Tenants Association.


The Chair explained that the Committee was not the appropriate body to decide whether the information should be released or not and the appropriate route was via the Freedom of Information process which had already been lodged with the Council’s information governance team. Regarding meeting with the market traders, the Chair suggested that the Birkenhead Market Tenants Association should meet with the Market Manager. 


Williams Alan Featherstone asked a supplementary question seeking clarity on the Freedom of Information process and that his understanding was that for a subject to be deemed financially sensitive, the onus was on the Council to prove that this was the case.


The Lead Principal Lawyer, at the request of the Chair, clarified that there were set internal procedures to challenge Freedom of Information Request responses and which could be further escalated to the Information Commissioner.


William Alan Featherstone’s second question related to the number of unused stalls at Birkenhead Market and he asked whether the Committee felt that there was a deliberate policy to degenerate the market by raising vacant rents.


The Chair reported that rental values for the stalls at Birkenhead Market had been benchmarked against similar markets in the region and Birkenhead remained one of the most affordable. He noted that the Council had not increased market rents but had maintained current rental values over recent years. He stated there was very little evidence that rental values were a reason that stalls were not being used.


William Alan Featherstone asked a supplemental question regarding whether Birkenhead Market rents had not been increased between October and November 2021.


The Chair responded that he did not have those facts available to him and William Alan Featherstone would receive a response in writing within 10 working days.


David French asked a question relating to negotiating with the Market Manager for a stall at Birkenhead Market and whether the Council were trying to keep stalls empty.


The Chair stated that the Council had supported and would continue to support businesses at Birkenhead Market. He noted that commercial negotiations were confidential, and the Committee was not a suitable forum to discuss them. He referred the questioner back to the officers responsible for such discussions.



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