Agenda item


The minutes of all committees which have met since 1 March 2023, up until 16 June 2023 are attached below.


Minutes of Committees:


·  01.03.2023 – Audit and Risk Management Committee

·  06.03.2023 – Audit Social Care and Public Health Committee

·  07.03.2023 – Children, Young People and Education Committee

·  08.03.2023 – Economy Regeneration and Housing Committee

·  09.03.2023 – Tourism, Communities, Culture & Leisure Committee

·  14.03.2023 – Environment, Climate Emergency & Transport Committee

·  16.03.2023 – Planning Committee

·  22.03.2023 – Policy and Resources Committee

·  23.03.2023 – Regulatory and General Purposes Committee

·  13.04.2023 – Constitution and Standards Committee

·  19.04.2023 – Planning Committee

·  27.04.2023 – Policy and Resources Committee

·  07.06.2023 – Licensing Act Committee

·  07.06.2023 – Regulatory and General Purposes Committee

·  08.06.2023 – Planning Committee

·  12.06.2023 – Constitution and Standards Committee

·  13.06.2023 – Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee

·  14.06.2023 – Policy and Resources Committee



The Civic Mayor introduced the minutes of the various Committees which had met from 1 March 2023 to 16 June 2023 and asked for questions to Committee Chairs on any of the minutes being received.


Councillor Lesley Rennie asked a question to the Chair of the Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee in relation to minute item 67 of the meeting held on 14 March 2023. The question sought an update on the implementation of road safety measures at St George’s Primary school and the installation of a vehicle activated speed warning following the change from 30mph to 20mph.


In response, Councillor Liz Grey indicated her support for this proposal and that she would raise it with officers.


Councillor Pat Cleary asked a question to the Chair of the Economy, Regeneration and Housing Committee in relation to minute item 63 of the meeting held on 8 March 2023 outlining concerns over the delivery of the regeneration programme and seeking an update on planned meetings of the Regeneration Working Group to ensure member oversight.


Councillor Tony Jones undertook to provide a written response.


Councillor Gary Bennett asked a question to the Chair of the Economy, Regeneration and Housing Committee in relation to minute item 61 of the meeting held on 8 March 2023 seeking an update on the assessment of the impact of cycle lanes, particularly the Fender Lane route in Moreton.


In response, Councillor Tony Jones outlined that those assessments were taking place and would be shared with members in due course.


Councillor Ian Lewis asked a question to the Chair of the Economy, Regeneration and Housing Committee in relation to minute item 64 of the meeting held on 8 March 2023, asking the Chair to ensure that the items requested to be added to the Work Programme and agreed to be included by the Committee were reflected in the updated version.


In response, Councillor Tony Jones undertook to ensure that they were included in the latest version.


Councillor Phil Gilchrist asked a question to the Chair of the Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee in relation to minute item 71 of the meeting held on 14 March 2023 seeking an update on the roads and footways no longer in the schedule for maintenance and outlining the frustration of residents.


In response, Councillor Liz Grey outlined that following feedback from contractors a number of locations had changed but that she and the Committee Spokes were in discussion with the Director of Neighbourhood Services regarding these amendments and would keep Councillor Gilchrist informed.


Councillor Jo Bird asked a question to the Chair of the Audit and Risk Management Committee in relation to minute item 58 of the meeting held on 1 March 2023 seeking a date when the final auditors report would be published.


In response, Councillor Jenny Johnson undertook to provide the specific date for its publication.


Councillor Jeff Green asked a question to the Chair of the Policy and Resources Committee in relation to minute item 6 of the meeting held on 14 June 2023 seeking a update regarding the ERP system including its total projected cost including staff time, when it was due to go live, when it was test and implemented and whether there would be a lessons learned evaluation that could be shared with members.


In response, Councillor Paul Stuart undertook to provide the information in writing.

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