Agenda item
Digital Transformation Partner
- Meeting of Policy and Resources Committee, Tuesday, 21st November 2023 6.00 p.m. (Item 73.)
- View the background to item 73.
The Head of ICT and Digital presented the report. Members were informed that Digital transformation supported a customer focussed, digital-first approach to customer experiences, business processes and operations.
Digital transformation was about embedding and adopting technologies across the Council to deliver change and efficiencies.
Members were reminded that on 1 December 2021, the Policy and Resources Committee approved the Strategic Change Programme which had set out the Councils plans for delivering the objectives within the Wirral Plan and the required efficiencies to deliver the Medium-Term Financial Plan (MTFP). As detailed within the report for Policy and Resources Committee in December 2021, digital transformation was one of the key components of the Strategic Change Programme.
Since the approval of the Strategic Change Programme, digital transformation had started across the Council but as part of the new Council Plan, IT and digital transformation sought to further improve automation of processes and customer access.
Approval was requested to progress with a competitive tender to procure a partner to support the acceleration of the IT and digital transformation. This partner was referenced in this report as the ‘Digital Transformation Partner’.
Members queried how this would benefit residents and were assured that core to digital transformation was better communication and engagement between residents of the council and vice versa. A discussion was had in regards to digital exclusion and retaining access to existing telephone or face to face services, as well as querying the numbers of people currently accessing services and effectively managing and overseeing the work of the Digital Transformation Partner. Members were assured that this had been considered as part of the business plan, and effective digitisation also helped free up call centre telephone lines for people who required this service. It was noted that in 2021, 25.4% of people in Wirral did not have access to fixed internet services, however that number was reduced when taking into consideration smart mobile phones.
Resolved - that
1. Director of Finance in consultation with the Committee Chair and Group Spokespersons be authorised to commence the competitive commission of a Digital Transformation Partner for a period of up to 3 years with the option of two one-year extensions. The expenditure will not exceed £5m for the first 3 years.
2. The Director of Finance be authorised to appoint the successful bidder following the commissioning process.
3. the Director of Law and Governance in consultation with the Director of Finance be authorised to finalise the associated legal documentation associated with the commission.
4. Following appointment of the successful bidder, the Director of Law and Governance, in consultation with the Committee Chair and Groups Spokespersons be authorised to formulate options to oversee the work of the bidder and present a report to the Committee accordingly
5.That the Director of Finance be authorised to finalise the associated legal documentation associated with the commission.
6. Following appointment of the successful bidder, the Director of Law and Governance, in consultation with the Committee Chair and Groups Spokespersons be authorised to formulate options to oversee the work of the bidder and present a report to the Committee accordingly
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