Agenda item
Public Questions
Notice of question to be given in writing or by email by 12 noon, Friday 1st December 2023 to the Council’s Monitoring Officer via this link: Public Question Form and to be dealt with in accordance with Standing Order 10.
For more information on how your personal information will be used, please see this link: Document Data Protection Protocol for Public Speakers at Committees | Wirral Council
Please telephone the Committee Services Officer if you have not received an acknowledgement of your question by the deadline for submission.
Mr Alan Featherstone asked for the square metreage rented by all tenants at the present Birkenhead Market, including the outside market.
The Chair responded that currently, a total of 5,500 metres squared was rented by all tenants of Birkenhead Market. This was split into 4,656 metres squared in the indoor market and 644 metres squared in the outside market.
Mr Featherstone asked a supplementary question, about whether a feasibility report that showed a reduction of 50% of the square metreage for traders had been made available to councillors.
The Chair stated that Mr Featherstone would receive a written response to this question within 10 working days.
Mr Featherstone asked whether a current feasibility study document had been shared with Members of the Committee and whether that document would be made available to the market community when consultations begin.
The Director of Regeneration and Place confirmed that the document would be shared with members of the committee.
Mr Featherstone asked a supplementary question asking for clarification that the feasibility study raised in his previous question was the most recent version and not one from 3 years prior.
The Director of Regeneration and Place confirmed that it would be the most recent version of the study.
Mr Terry O’Reilly noted that market traders had been promised a state-of-the-art new market in the heart of Birkenhead town centre and asked for an explanation of how moving to a re-purposed site on the outskirts of the town centre would deliver on the promises made to the community.
The Chair responded that there were examples of other markets that have transitioned into re-purposed sites such as Altrincham and Crewe. He noted that high-level proposals to date had suggested circa £6 million of investment in the former Argos site would be required to deliver a market of similar internal quality to the House of Fraser option. He noted that the Argos option was located within walking distance of the train station, bus station, a multi-storey car park and sites allocated for housing within the local plan.
Mr Greg McTigue asked whether the committee felt it was acceptable that traders should be told about the Council’s redevelopment plans 24 hours before the committee were due to make a decision on the future of the market.
The Chair responded that the agenda for the committee, including the report on the options of the market, had been published on 28 November 2023, in line with standard operating procedures. He noted that following the publication of the report, officers and Members had met with the Birkenhead Market Tenants Association.
Mr Dave Borrill was not in attendance and the Lead Principal Lawyer read his question on his behalf. He asked whether a comprehensive retail assessment had been undertaken to evaluate the effects of moving the market into the Argos site and the impacts it would have on small businesses, businesses surrounding the market and the wider community.
The Chair responded that the work to date on the Argos site proposal was on the basis of a concept design to help understand whether the site could accommodate a similar number of units to the House of Fraser option. He noted that subject to committee approval, additional work would be developed that would reflect the wider town centre regeneration proposition.
Mr Joe Orr asked the Chair to outline how the preferred option to move the Birkenhead Market into the former Argos site would meet the expectations of customers, the community and businesses considering the market’s historical significance?
The Chair noted that the Council acquired the Grange and the Pyramids shopping centre in May 2023. He stated that the work developed to date that was outlined in the committee report was a concept and subject to committee approvals. The Council was committed to building relationships with traders and the Birkenhead Market Tenants Association to ensure more enhanced engagement.
Mr Orr asked a supplementary question, querying whether the council had conducted any surveys to gauge public opinion of the local community regarding the potential move of Birkenhead Market.
The Chair stated that Mr Orr would receive a written response within 10 working days.
Mr Mike Eccles asked whether Birkenhead’s key stakeholders and public opinions / concerns had been actively sought and considered before deciding on the change from a bespoke modern new market building to a repurposed, end-of-line centre unit?
The Chair responded that the Council had met with the Birkenhead Market Tenants Association in November 2023 and the traders had made it clear that the House of Fraser option was not their preferred choice. Subject to determination of the Committee, the Council would continue work to engage with traders.
Cat Lavender was not in attendance and the Lead Principal Lawyer read her question on her behalf. She asked if analysis had been undertaken on the economic impact due to potential job losses and business closures on the Argos market proposal?
The Chair responded that this was a speculative question that he was not in a position to answer, however as part of future engagement the Council would of course work to understand trader requirements.
Mr Tommy Roberts was present, but at his request, the Lead Principal Lawyer read his question for him. He asked how the Council would support displaced traders and businesses impacted by the changes that would come from moving Birkenhead Market into the former Argos site?
Mr Roberts had a supplemental question which asked what would happen to the rest of the funding if the original grant was for £15 million and the refurbishment of the former Argos site would cost £6 million.
The Chair stated that Mr Roberts would receive a written response within 10 working days.
The Chair stated that all proposals put forward by officers for consideration by the Committee would be subject to engagement with traders.
Sarah O’Reilly was not in attendance and the Lead Principal Lawyer read her question on her behalf. She noted that having surveyed 75% of traders, 95% of those respondents stated that they rejected the proposed move to the Argos site. She also noted that the Birkenhead Market Tenants Association had undertaken a petition with over 1400 signatures and asked if the Council would engage with traders and the public in a meaningful way before any decision was made?
The Chair noted that the Council had already met with the Birkenhead Marker Tenants Association as an outcome of their recent election and had also met them and other marker traders in advance of the meeting of committee. He stated that the Council would continue to undertake meaningful engagement.
Mr Sean Martin asked whether the Chair would agree to postpone the approval process pending the release of the New Brighton Neighbourhood Framework and a full review of the New Brighton Masterplan?
The Chair noted that a consultation on the draft Marine Promenade Masterplan closed on 4 December 2023. Responses were currently being reviewed and would be taken into consideration when finalising the Masterplan. A report of consultation would be presented to Committee alongside the final Masterplan, to ensure that the views of all respondents to the consultation had been taken into account and considered in an open, transparent and timely manner. The publication of a Marine Promenade Masterplan was a requirement of the Local Plan. The aim of the Masterplan was to ensure that development proposals come forward in a co-ordinated and planned way, while providing flexibility by setting out a number of potential design options for each site.
The New Brighton Neighbourhood Framework was a regeneration led document that was still being finalised. The document would cover the wider regeneration area and would also be subject to consultation. The document had already undergone 2 rounds of informal consultation and this had helped inform the Masterplan process.
Mr Martin asked a supplemental question stating that New Brighton had been let down by the Master Plan and he asked when the council would put it right.
The Chair state that Mr Martin would receive a written response with 10 working days.