Agenda item
Public Questions
Notice of question to be given in writing or by email by 12 noon, Wednesday 17 January 2024 to the Council’s Monitoring Officer via this link: Public Question Form and to be dealt with in accordance with Standing Order 10.
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Please telephone the Committee Services Officer if you have not received an acknowledgement of your question by the deadline for submission.
The Chair noted that at the previous meeting of committee on 6 December 2023, a question was asked regarding the area in square meters and square feet rented to market traders at Birkenhead Market. Due to a conversion error, the wrong square metreage was supplied, the Chair offered his apologies to the questioner for this error and gave the correct figures as follows:
There was a total of 1,676 metres squared or 18,047 square feet by all tenants. This was split into 1,480 metres squared / 15,934 square feet indoors and 196 metres squared / 2,113 square feet outdoors.
Freya Levy was not in attendance and the Lead Principal Lawyer read her question on her behalf, She asked whether the Council would consider facilitating plans for co-housing schemes in Birkenhead if they were not already doing so.
The Chair responded that a blended and inclusive approach was extremely important to the Council’s regeneration and place making agenda and that initiatives such as co-housing would be considered as part of this.
Mr Alan Featherstone asked what rentable stall area were officers projecting would be provided to Birkenhead Market traders.
The Chair responded that the work that was approved in December 2023 by the committee would, as an outcome, confirm the total space that would be available to traders.
Mr Featherstone had a supplementary question asking whether the Marks and Spencer site would now be included in the high level studies for an alternative market site.
The Chair stated that Mr Featherstone would receive a written response to this question within 10 working days.
Mr Alan Featherstone asked the Chair if he was content with the accuracy of the information provided by the committee.
The Chair responded that, by and large, he was happy with the accuracy of the information provided to committee. He acknowledged the error in conversion from square feet to square metreage at the previous committee and noted that the correct information had now been given.
Mr Featherstone had a supplementary question, asking if the Chair was happy with the current plans for a 60% reduction and eviction of current market traders by way of stolen metreage with all the current plans.
The Chair stated that Mr Featherstone would receive a written response to this question within 10 working days.
Mr Dave Borrill was not in attendance and the Lead Principal Lawyer read his question on his behalf. He asked how and when a third consultation team would be consulting with traders.
The Chair responded that officers were meeting with the Birkenhead Market Tenants Association later in the week that this committee was held on and would go over key details and next steps.
Mike Eccles was not in attendance and the Lead Principal Lawyer read his question on his behalf. He asked how the committee intended to ensure transparent and meaningful participation took place with members of the market community before any crucial decisions were made.
The Chair responded that this would be discussed at the meeting with the Birkenhead Market Tenants Association later in the week and the outcomes of the discussion would be fed back to their members.
Joe Orr noted that he had asked a question at the previous committee regarding the status of surveys aimed at gathering insights on the preferences of the local community regarding the market and asked if those surveys had been conducted.
The Chair responded that the work was ongoing as part of the approvals made at the previous meeting of the committee in December 2023.
Joe Orr asked whether the committee could outline specific lessons learned from comparable successful market preservation projects elsewhere and how Members intended to apply those lessons to Birkenhead Market.
The Chair responded that officers had undertaken visits to successful markets such as Warrington and had wider visits planned to markets such as Sheffield and Barnsley and had appointed a markets curator that had successfully consulted and delivered on over 200 markets. He noted that this appointment provided invaluable experience.
Mr Orr had a supplementary question regarding Chester Market traders receiving a reduction in rent and asked if a similar package could be offered to help Birkenhead Market traders.
The Chair stated that Mr Featherstone would receive a written response to this question within 10 working days.
Gregg McTigue was not in attendance and the Lead Principal Lawyer read his question on his behalf. He asked if the Council could make a commitment to the marker traders that they would be offered viable stalls at the new market.
The Chair responded that work was being undertaken by the councils’ design team and market curator which would review trader requirements and feed into the business case.
Kim Roberts was not in attendance and the Lead Principal Lawyer read his question on her behalf. She asked whether the council could offer support to the market traders such as advertising or financial support.
The Chair responded noted that officers had met with market traders prior and following the meeting of the committee in December 2023. He responded that the market currently made a loss of income that the council had been underpinning and were not currently in a position to offer packages of support.
Tommy Roberts was not in attendance and the Lead Principal Lawyer read his question on his behalf. He asked what the plan for the market was moving forward, including when consultation would take place, what the budget was and what the timeline would be.
The Chair responded that officers were meeting with the Birkenhead Market Tenants Association later in the week and would provide updates at that meeting including updates and next steps.