Agenda item

Public Questions

Notice of question to be given in writing or by email by 12 noon, 13 March 2024 to the Council’s Monitoring Officer (via the online form here: Public Question Form) and to be dealt with in accordance with Standing Order 10.


For more information on how your personal information will be used, please see this link: Document Data Protection Protocol


Please telephone the Committee Services Officer if you have not received an acknowledgement of your question by the deadline for submission.



The Mayor outlined that three public questions had been received.


Rica Bird asked a question to the Leader of the Council regarding agenda item 7, motion 4, stating that she had been a Wirral resident since 1975 and a beneficiary of the Merseyside Local Government Pension Scheme. Rica Bird asked whether, considering the interest Wirral Council has as managing authority for Merseyside Pensions fund, if the Group Leaders would write to the Prime Minister asking for a ceasefire in Gaza.


The Leader responded to state the situation in Gaza was horrendous and agreed that there was an urgent need for an active, diplomatic process. He also stated that the terrorism of Hamas and the attacks on 7th October 2023 should be condemned. The Leader stated the need for an active diplomatic process and an immediate humanitarian ceasefire.


Rica Brid asked a supplementary question, asking how Councillor Stuart defined genocide and how the leader defined people who were oppressed and the oppressor.


The Leader responded that genocide was clearly defined in international law and that people were able to understand the difference between the oppressed and oppressor.


Anne Litherland asked a question to the chair of the Pensions Committee, Councillor Julie McManus, regarding Merseyside Pension Fund and asking for an immediate, bi-lateral ceasefire in Gaza.


Councillor McManus stated she shared the concerns in regard to the situation in Gaza and the need for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, the need for long-lasting peace and humanitarian aid reaching Gaza. She stated that it is important that public bodies consider ethical and human rights concerns. Merseyside Pension fund has 149,140 Members of whom a very small number have posed the same question. It manages many investments and has a statutory fiduciary duty. The Merseyside Pension Fund has a revised responsible policy and a working party to consider investments. Additionally, an engagement framework has been developed to consider responsible investments.


Anne Litherland asked a supplementary question, asking if Members of the pension fund could be surveyed and informed of their investments in relation to the war in Gaza.


Councillor McManus responded to state that she would take advice to see if this was possible as there are 149, 140 members of Merseyside Pension Fund. 


Councillor Phil Gilchrist asked if Councillor Paul Stuart could circulate his statement for all Members to read.


The Director of Law and Corporate Services read out a question on behalf of Keith Randles to the Chair of the Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee, Councillor Elizabeth Grey. Mr Randal’s referenced a visit made by Councillor Liz Grey on 4 October 2019, where beach maintenance was discussed, included the possibility of a large fine due to over-spraying and raking. Mr Randal’s queried if the chair had acted on hearsay, rather than the reviewing of the Council’s own records to verify if the allegations were true or not and if the abandonment of beach maintenance was necessary.


Councillor Liz Grey responded to state that, she had met a senior officer of Natural England and was informed that allegations had been made that the then beach maintenance programme had breached assent from Natural England. The officer pointed out that permission to do something was not the same as instruction to do something and that knowledge regarding use of glyphosate had moved on since assent had previously been given. Raking ceased until advice was sought from Natural England, which was found to be consistent with the account given to Councillor Liz Grey.