Agenda item
Homelessness in Wirral and the use of Temporary Accommodation
The Assistant Director for Housing presented the report of the Director of Regeneration and Place. The report sought to inform members on the current picture regarding homelessness in the borough, and more specifically in relation to the rising number of households in Temporary Accommodation, Bed and Breakfast, and the financial pressures arising from this. The report also provided Members with an update on the progress made to respond to Homelessness in Wirral.
The increase in numbers of households in Temporary Accommodation was resulting in the need to review the existing service provision and had required the introduction of additional mitigating measures.
The report also informed Members of the initiatives taken to maintain the existing service provision, but also Wirral’s approach to reducing the need for Bed and Breakfast placements.
The report noted that In Wirral, the current homelessness situation was exacerbated by wider features of the national housing market and national policy context around housing. There was a national crisis in homelessness and rough sleeping that had seen a rise across the country with regard to homeless presentations and the use of temporary accommodation.
Members thanked the Assistant Director for a comprehensive report. The Chair raised the wording of recommendation three as referring to reports on Homelessness being “presented to future Committees…” and queried whether this implied that reports might be brought to committees other than the Economy, Regeneration and Housing Committee, in particular, the Audit and Risk Management Committee. He stated that if this were the case, he would prefer the report to come before the Economy, Regeneration and Housing Report before any others.
The Lead Principal Lawyer stated that while this committee could not make decisions on the work programme of the Audit and Risk Management Committee, officers would discuss the Homelessness report with the Chair of the Audit and Risk Management Committee.
Officers further noted that the wording of recommendation 3 was intended to only refer to this committee and the following wording was suggested by the Lead Principal Lawyer to be included by the proposer of the recommendations to clarify the matter;
“3. Approve that a 6-monthly performance report on Homelessness to be presented to future meetings of the Economy, Regeneration and Housing Committee as part of a wider Housing Services Update Report.”
Members queried whether there were details on the number of rough sleepers choosing not to engage with Council services. Officers stated that they would provide members with further information and that Outreach officers had a good handle on who is being offered help. Members requested further information on who in Wirral are most likely to become homeless, with a breakdown of age and demographics with a particular concern for the future of older people. Officers stated that this could be included in the next report to Committee.
Councillor mentioned the work done by the YMCA and noted that the work that they have done, as well as the work from Council officers was great,
On a motion by Councillor George Davies and seconded by Councillor Gill Wood, it was:
Resolved – That
1. The progress being made to address Homelessness in Wirral and the increases seen in the use of temporary accommodation and mitigations in place, as contained within this report be noted and endorsed.
2. The undertaking of the 5-year review of homelessness in Wirral during 2024, with the findings used to support the development of a new Wirral Homeless and Rough Sleeping Strategy for 2025 onwards be endorsed.
3. A 6-monthly performance report on Homelessness be presented to future meetings of the Economy, Regeneration and Housing Committee as part of a wider Housing Services Update Report.
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