Agenda item



Councillor Phil Gilchrist moved and Councillor Chris Carubia seconded a motion submitted in accordance with Standing Order 13. In moving the motion, Councillor Gilchrist confirmed he was happy to accept the amendment moved by the Labour group, as a friendly amendment, as follows:


Insert additional paragraph after paragraph 3


Council regrets that the Government considers that the existing fund should only be extended for six months’.


Insert additional paragraph after paragraph 5 In view of this, the approach of the Local Government Association should be endorsed and supported, namely that the Government ‘needs to use the next six months to agree a more sustainable successor to the Household Support Fund’.


Insert additional recommendation as recommendation 1.


the Leader contacts the Local Government Association with a view to establishing how following their approach will assist Wirral and the interests of communities with similar needs.


Councillor Jeff Green moved and Councillor Jenny Johnson seconded the following amendment, submitted in accordance with Standing Order 13.3:


Insert new paragraph after paragraph 5


Council welcomes the additional £500 million announced by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in the Spring Budget to enable the extension of the Household Support Fund in England from April to September 2024, in order to continue providing targeted support to vulnerable households with the cost of essentials such as food and utilities and notes, to date, Wirral Council has received £15,246,725.46 in Household Support Fund payments to support our most vulnerable residents.


The Council debated the motion and Conservative amendment which was then put to the vote and was lost (46:16) (1 Abstention).


The original Motion and Labour amendment was then put to the vote and it was –


Resolved (62:1 ) (1 abstention) – that,


Council recognises the work undertaken, with all party support, to make the most effective use of The Household Support Fund in Wirral. Reports presented to members of the Health and Wellbeing Board set out the way in which the funding was made available to local groups and organisations.


The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) recognises the work undertaken in Wirral and how groups have been involved as part of its research. Council notes that continuation of the Household Support Fund was supported by a wide range of organisations including, the Local Government Association and the Special Interest Group of Municipal Authorities (SIGOMA).


Council regrets that the Government considers that the existing fund should only be extended for six months. Council further notes the speculation and uncertainty over the future of the funding affects the organisations and all in our borough who are receiving support, help and advice.


Council notes the Chair of SIGOMA, Cllr Sir Stephen Houghton CBE has recently written to the Chancellor of the Exchequer to explain the impact of ending the Household Support Fund that he described would have disastrous consequences. In view of this the approach of the Local Government Association should be endorsed and supported, namely that the Government ‘needs to use the next six months to agree a more sustainable successor to the Household Support Fund’.


Council believes that tackling the impact of poverty, through this scheme and its successors, is essential in order to deal with social isolation, family breakdown and childhood poverty.


Council therefore requests:


1. the Leader contacts the Local Government Association with a view to establishing how following their approach will assist Wirral and the interests of communities with similar needs.


2. the Leader of the Council to write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer to press for the Household Support Fund to be funded on a permanent basis to deal with the concerns expressed in recent months; and


3. the Director of Public Health, in conjunction with the Director of Finance, to highlight future sources of funding to support Wirral residents who are most in need by working through the relevant committees