Agenda item

Area Forum Partner updates


Pat Higgins – Wirral Hospital NHS Trust

The maternity unit at Arrowe Park is nearly finished and it will have single rooms for new mothers and partners will be able to stay with them.

The hospital trust is working towards having single sex wards.

This year is the year of Health and Wellbeing – Information on this is on pages 41 -45 in the report pack.


Jim Thompson – Community Safety

He reported that Wirral is a safe area to live, there are a few anti-social behaviour hot-spots, but all in all Wirral is a lovely place to live.


Martin Fletcher – Merseyside Police

He reported that nationally, there has been an increase in burglary, but in this area it has reduced.  Figures are available on the Merseyside Police Website.

There has been an awareness initiative called ‘Operation Door handle’.  This is where police officers were trying door handles, and if there was a problem they would speak to the homeowner about the risks.  Doors were not tried after 8pm.


Generally, in this area, crime is down, but during the snow there was an increase in anti-social behaviour.  He apologised for the lack of service during this time as they didn’t have enough resources to deal with all the incidents.

He informed the forum that action had been taken on the anti-social behaviour problems in Upton and Woodchurch.


There are newsletters available and there are ‘Have your say’ cards available for you to give your views on what the police should do.


There is also a lot of work involving local community groups and local schools, particularly secondary schools.


Sarah Patterson – Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service

Sarah reported that the Bon Fire Strategy proved to be successful.  There were a low number of bonfires and the fire service removed approx 60 tons of bonfire material.


There are new partnerships with the fire service, and the local rangers have been trained in fire safety.


There is a youth group organised called ‘Trailblazers Mountain Bike Group’ which is proving successful with youths in the area.


Mark Stevenson – Woodchurch Neighbourhood Board Member

Mark reported that a new boxing club has opened.  This has proved positive and motivational to the young people on Woodchurch estate.  It is run by professional coaches and people from the community.  They are now looking for some help from outside agencies, for example, local police.


Bert Grunnill – Upton Churches Together

He reported that there are clubs available virtually every day for handicapped and disabled people.  There just isn’t enough information about the courses for people to see.


Jo Burrell – Woodchurch Neighbourhood Management Board Co-ordinator

Jo reported on a number of successful events that have taken place in Woodchurch.


The car park on New Hey Road has been completed.  It provides12 new much needed car park spaces in the area.


Residents and neighbourhood management team developed ‘Woodchurch in Bloom’ 10 projects were developed across the estate and were all awarded at Royal Horticultural Society Awards Ceremony.


The boxing club project funding was agreed at the board last night and the steering group will be delivering 3 nights of boxing training for both juniors and seniors.  They will have full use of Woodchurch High School Sports Complex.


Equality and Diversity training has taken place with Woodchurch NM partnership members.


First aid training has taken place in January for 15 residents with St John’s Ambulance.  One of the residents who is the registrar for Boxing will continue on an advanced first aid course, which is recognised by the Amateur Boxing Association.


Over the Christmas period, residents and the NM Team delivered the Christmas lights switch on.  Community groups had stalls, Angel’s café provided refreshments, 7 waves and local residents provided entertainment.


A Cascade Christmas event took place at Pemberton café with a winter wonderland, featuring wrapping presents, making cards and decorations.


The Methodist Church opened its doors on Christmas Day for its annual Christmas meal for those persons who live alone.  It was well attended and enjoyed by many residents.  Dougie Wood and his family organised a special meal for all those alone or homeless on Boxing Day.  Hot food and Christmas goodies were supplied in abundance and enjoyed by those attended.