Agenda item

Public Question Time


6.1 Since the heavy snow recently, the roads in the area, particularly Irby Road, are in a terrible state of potholes.  Please can you do more to fix the roads and pavements?


  1. Dave Green explained that after the snow fall, this has caused the deterioration of the roads.  There is an additional £250k in the budget to fix the roads and staff are working 7 days per week repairing the roads.  From the 1st April 2010, there will be a programme to re-condition whole roads that are in a terrible state of repair.  If anyone wants to report any potholes, please ring Street Scene on 606 2004.


He also reported that the new road layout at Thurstaston, when finished will be a good job.


6.2 It was asked if each forum has the pot of money available for the ‘You

Decide’ programme.


  1. The results of the ‘You Decide’ programme are on page 52 of the Area Co-ordinators report.  The Council has confirmed that this money (£18,200) will be available again for the forthcoming year, 2010/11.


6.3 Will the Council be issuing Compost Bins?


  1. Dave Green: No, this is not happening as the use of compost bins is a complicated issue.


6.4 It was reported that the planned clean up of Hoole Road has not

happened as yet.  Why is this?


  1. This issue will be checked and will follow up as to why this has not happened.


6.5 It was reported that there had been an accident on Hoole Road, and

residents are concerned about the danger of delivery vans.  Would it be possible to use the ‘You decide’ money to have zig zag markings on the road and recommend that the deliveries are at the back of the shops?


  1. It was recommended to speak to Andy Brannan regarding this.


6.6 Mark Stevenson stated that no money from the ‘You Decide’ had been

given to the Woodchurch estate.


  1. A number of forum members who attended the You decide panel meeting confirmed that money had been allocated to the Woodchurch area.  Money was given to the Upton ward on the understanding that it would be distributed evenly across all the areas in the ward.


6.7 It was asked who was responsible for the paved area outside Greasby

shops as it was very dangerous in the ice and snow before Christmas.


  1. Dave Green: Without checking it could be no-one was certain who was responsible; it will have to be checked from the plans at Street Scene.


6.8 If a person falls on the ice on the pavements if you have cleared the

pavement yourself outside your own house.  Who is responsible?


  1. It will be the responsibility of who owns the land, but unfortunately you can’t stop people suing.


6.9 It was reported that there was a streetlight out in an alley-way off

Pemberton road.


  1. Dave Green: Pass on the information as to the address at the end of the meeting and this will be dealt with.


6.10  It was asked if ‘You Decide’ budget could be used to arrange alley

gating for an area Stephen Hesford has been campaigning for?


  1. Jim Thompson, Community Safety is responsible for Alley gating; he has been speaking to Stephen Hesford regarding the problem areas.  It would cost approx £30k to complete a large problem area.  Not only this but to effective alleygates have to be installed in all the alleyways in an area, not just a number of roads.  Jim has written to Mr Hesford with all the details with a view to discussing it at a later date.


6.11  Tony Garrett asked as to why some road signs in the area had stopped

being illuminated?


  1. Dave Green: The signs do not need to be illuminated as they are reflective, so the fuses have been taken out to save on electricity and improve our carbon footprint.