Agenda item

Bus Service Providers Question and Answer Session


The Bus service providers, Avon, Arriva and First representatives answered the following questions.


3.1Tony Garrett, Wirral Transport Secretary read out a request from the ‘Older People’s Parliament.  Why do Arriva Buses refuse to take concessionary passes after 9.30am if the bus is late?  This issue has been raised with Arriva and they have stated it is not the customers fault if the bus is late.


  1. Arriva’s representative explained that he was disappointed that he hadn’t found out about this directly.  In his view, the driver should let the person onto the bus.  It is up to the individual driver to make any decisions.  Any drivers who fail to allow passengers on will receive the relevant training were necessary.


3.2 Tony Garrett asked about concessionary travel for pensioners and disabled persons.


  1. Disabled Concessionary Travel can travel at any time.  Pensioners can travel after 9.30am only.  This is not set by the bus company; it is a local government decision.  The rules for concessionary travel vary from each authority.


3.3 Why did Arriva change from not issuing tickets to pass holders, to now issuing tickets?


  1. The reason for this is to keep a record on the number of users on the buses.  It gives a report on how well the buses are used and it ensures an adequate service and use of resources.


3.4 Are all the buses in the area having the facility to lower the step for easy access?


  1. This facility varies on each bus.  The newer buses have the facility to lower the step, and it’s encouraged that the drivers do this.  Approx 95% of Arriva buses can lower their step.  It is not a statutory obligation to provide this, but by 2017 it will obligatory.


3.5 Councillor Quinn expressed that the Bus Route 437 was an excellent service.  She questioned that people in Irby have a problem getting a direct bus route home. 


  1. The Bus providers will try and improve services and will look at the frequency of evening and Sunday services.  They are aware of the needs of Irby residents, but if the service is provided and there is no demand, then the service will cease.


A thank you was given to Mersey Travel for their prompt reply from the questions at the last meeting.


3.6 Tony Garrett asked why the main bus operators only travel on the main roads, when for example in Greasby people struggle to get to the main road bus stops from the estates (RAF, Greenacres, Cortsway).


A.  It is difficult to divert bus routes as they can’t satisfy everyone.  There are considerable financial constraints to offer this extra service.  They do recognise that some of the routes are old fashioned and they are looking a re-vitalising services.


  Some bus providers specialise on smaller routes – the costs of a smaller bus is much the same as a bigger double decker bus to run.  The main cost is the driver’s wages.


  The problem with bigger buses travelling on smaller side roads is that they struggle to pass if cars are parked on both sides of the road, and also in the extreme weather conditions and roads are not gritted, then the buses struggle on the smaller roads.


  Councillor Jean Quinn stated that there should be a bus route that runs around the Greasby estates to get to the 437.  It would be a good idea to work on accessibility studies as some people have an issue.  It could increase business to get more people to the main routes.


  First Travel had the same answers as Arriva and Avon, but they only have larger buses and operate in the Birkenhead and Woodchurch area.