Agenda item

Adult Social Services - Charging Policy

Further to the deferral of this item at the last meeting (minutes 37 and 39 refer – 10/11/09) the following reports are submitted for the Committee’s consideration together with the resolution of the Audit and Risk Management Committee of 25 November, 2009.


(a)  Report of the Chief Internal Auditor

  Adult Social Services – Charging Policy – Service Users Residing at "In House" Supported Living Units during the period 1997 to 2003


(b)  Statement from Mr M Morton


(c)  Report of the Director of Adult Social Services

  Charging Arrangements for Supported Living in Wirral 1997 – 2003


Further to the deferral of this item at the last meeting (minutes 37 and 39 refer – 10/11/09) the reports of the Chief Internal Auditor on Adult Social Services – Charging Policy, the Statement from Mr M Morton and the report of the Director of Adult Social Services on Charging Arrangements for Supported Living in Wirral 1997 – 2003, were submitted for the Committee’s consideration together with the resolution of the Audit and Risk Management Committee of 25 November, 2009.


The Director also circulated his report, ‘Residents of Bermuda Road, Curlew Way and Edgehill Road’ the recommendations of which were approved by Cabinet on 14 January, 2010.


Resolved – That the reports and recommendations be noted.

Supporting documents: