Agenda item

10:55 Enjoy and Achieve Strategy Group Report


Mark Parkinson reported on the Enjoy and Achieve outcome area of the ECM framework and outlined the annual work programme to monitor outcomes.  Key recent achievements are an example of what went well and Wirral continues to be strong.  Mark noted that there will be some issues and challenges ahead:


·  Implementation of secondary school reorganisation including at least maintaining outcomes/standards

·  Impact of budget challenges

·  Impact of 21st Century Schools White Paper

·  Narrowing the Gap

·  Machinery of Government

·  Implementing 14-19 Diplomas


There are some quite ambitious targets and we have some way to go to meet these, particularly Narrowing the Gap.  Partnership involvement is vital to help break the cycle of under achievement that can be caused by other factors, for example family or housing issues.


Two case studies were given as examples of the progress that had been made with schools.  Case Study 1 focussed on the Improving Schools Programme (ISP) which supports schools where standards achieved by pupils in Year 6 fall below one of more of the national floor targets in English and maths.  In particular, 1 ‘Hard to Shift’ school, which had been below the floor targets for 8 years, achieved results in 2009 that moved them above the floor targets and out of this category.  Case Study 2 related to the Secondary National Challenge Programme which was introduced in June 2008 and supports schools with less than 30% of pupils achieving 5+ A*-C grades at GCSE including English and maths.  Six Wirral schools fell into this category and 4 schools are currently in this group so we are making good progress.  It is hoped that more impact will be seen next year.


Cllr Jean Quinn asked if this level of improvement is sustainable without additional resources.  Mark replied that the focus had been on the Leadership and Management to help get clear priorities so there is evidence that it is sustainable.  Thelma Wiltshire noted that at the National Strategies meeting it was clear that advisory teachers would cease and the role of the SIP extended.


Tina Long requested more information about narrowing the gap to understand what partners could do to help.  Paula Dixon noted that she was looking at young carers to narrow the gap so there is scope there.  Mark noted that gap analysis was being done but it was a complex combination of factors and there were on-going challenges where the gaps were bigger in some schools.  14-19 curriculum reforms are crucial to get young people engaged.  The gap is bigger in Secondary but better in post 16.  Action research is being done in some schools and Mark suggested that the Board may be interested in the outcomes of this.  Cllr Davies agreed that further information should be brought to a future meeting.


Hazel Thompson commented that there was a huge amount of family support services in the voluntary sector that could help pupils stay in school.  Schools should make use of this but they do not know what is available.  Cllr Davies suggested that Hazel discussed this with Thelma Wiltshire and Paula Dixon after the meeting.


Howard Cooper noted that it was in the schedule to get a report on the other outcome areas and asked if this example was a good format for future meetings.  The Board agreed.


The Board note the report.


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