Agenda item

Community Engagement "what been happening in your area"


Police – Sergeant Dave Hill

A member of the public raised a complaint from residents around Park Station of vandalism and anti social behaviour, which he said would bring to the Forum’s attention this evening. 


The Police responded that they were aware of it.  They had been liaising with staff at the Housing Association at Beckwith Court and the support bus had been out and about in the Duke Street area.  They had also been trying to target hard core drug use.


Councillor Smith confirmed a number of meetings had been held with different agencies to address these issues.  Councillor McLachlan reported on working closely with residents in the Duke Street area where issues had been mostly resolved.  Incidents had been reported of young people at the weekend and anti social behaviour around the Riverside Centre and measures being put in place to cordon that off.  Ward Councillors would pick up on any recurring problems.


Councillor George Davies raised concern around Laird Street police station and reduction in the number of community officers.  He acknowledged that some were on special assignments at the moment, however wanted to be able to assure people in Wirral that they still had sufficient Police presented.  Sergeant Hill would forward these concerns.


A point was raised about not receiving minutes and agendas for the Neighbourhood Action Group meetings and a case of the wrong date being published.  Sergeant Hill apologised for this oversight and would forward future dates to Michelle Gray who would publish and circulate round all forum members.


A query raised about 2 public houses on the Beechwood area being closed down and what Police were doing specifically around vacant properties being vandalised.

John Davies from Merseyside Fire and Rescue Services responded that they had an employee who checked on empty properties to see if they were a risk and not secure.  They would then secure buildings and claim monies back from owners.


Community Safety – Cathy Newman

Cathy Newman highlighted the issue of Hate Crime and the development of a multi agency risk assessment committee. The Community Safety Team worked with the Anti Social Behaviour Team, Police and Community Patrol in helping to keep people safe.


A question was asked about the particular response for this area, or whether it was awareness-raising generally.


Cathy confirmed that they were opening up and working on pathways for hate crime to be recognized and routes into the community.  Data already collected around this, if there was a hot spot identified they would pick up on that.  It was about awareness-raising, getting processes in place and getting communities confident to come forward to report on hate crime.


Noted: The Anti Social Behaviour Team had now moved to Solar Campus, Leasowe within the Children & Young People Department.


A suggestion was made to include an article on hate crime in the neighbourhood newsletters so people know what can be treated as a hate crime and examples of some successes.  Police agreed to this for the future newsletters and would make sure website was updated as well. 


A query was raised over the different agencies involved in various strands, such as Crime & Disorder Reduction Partnership, Child Protection etc.  The Lead Officer confirmed there was a review of safeguarding processes taking place and as this emerges linkages and reporting processes could be clarified in a briefing note.  Also need to ensure that Voluntary Community Action Wirral (VCAW) and the Third sector are clued into that.  Child Protection issues were dealt with separately.


Councillor George Davies fed back some positive news that had been reported in a recent newsletter.  ASB problems in the Noctorum area had been eradicated and there had been a good take up on an Army induction/taster course.


Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service – John Davies

John gave his apologies he was called out during the Forum to attend a fire in Kensington.


Hospital Trust – Dr Joyce Magennis

Dr Magennis highlighted the following:

§  New Women’s and Children’s Unit at APH £11.5m invested, now open.  Also major refurbishment of maternity wards/suite.  Children’s outpatient department operating with facility for families who need to stay. 

§  Second MR scanner costing £1m now obtained

§  Infection Control – working hard to get rates down.  All patients are screened and has cut reported in infection rates.


In relation to above Councillor Davies queried the open visiting policy and the problems of people visiting bringing infection in.  Dr Magennis confirmed that the biggest risk was patient to patient transfer.  Each department had gel dispensers fitted on walls.  Not as much risk from people from outside coming in.  The Noru Virus had been problematic with some wards closed.


The Chair queried what checks are made to make sure visitors use gel dispensers?


There were notices throughout the hospital and everyone was encouraged to use the gel dispensers.


Suggestion was made for a voice activated request for people to use the gel, similar to that at Walton Hospital use, this would be fed back to the trust.


Query was raised from a member of the public who had low immunity and was only able to use certain products.  The hospital would not stop anyone visiting if they did not use the gel.


The question of moving the bus stop at Arrowe Park Hospital had been raised at the last forum and concern expressed that no action had yet been taken on this. 


Concerns raised about the Park and Ride at Sainsbury’s being withdrawn over Christmas time. 


Joyce Jackson confirmed that the re-siting of the bus stop was being addressed and the traffic flow was being monitored, however this would take time to resolve it is an on-going issue that is being regular reviewed and monitored. 


The Park and Ride scheme had been withdrawn by Sainsbury’s during the Christmas period but was now reinstated.


NHS Wirral – Cathy Gritzner

Cathy reported that everyone over 40 would be getting a leaflet through their door, encouraging to book a health check through their GP.  Cathy also highlighted that the Eastham Walk-In Centre is now open.


A query raised about the Stop Smoking Campaign?  A telephone number to ring for further information was given on page 17 of the area co-ordinators report.


In answer to a question on progress with Townfield Lane, Councillor Davies confirmed work was progressing and it should be open October this year.


NHS Wirral had moved to Old Market House, with the old St Catherine’s site being demolished before new build.


Joyce Jackson reported that 25th February 2010 was the national Dignity Day and all invited to an event at Arrowe Park Hospital.


Community Safety – Stephen Preston

Becoming more active throughout the Wirral.  They were undergoing training to enable them to carry equipment to put out small fires, which would leave fire service to deal with more serious fires. Being trained to become ‘first responders’ and to carry defibrillator kits in their vans.  These were not replacements, but additional resources.


The area around Bidston Hill was the next target and prosecutions would be brought on the issue of dog fouling.


Resolved:  To thank contributors for their updates.

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