Agenda item

Area Co-ordinator's Report (includes matters arising)


Minutes and Matters arising from the October Forum:


The Area Co-ordinator drew attention to Appendix 1 of matters arising from the October 2009 meeting relating to the topics:-


Euston Grove: Building Control Officers have contacted the owner’s agent regarding the wall and have been advised that details of the costs of repairs are awaited from the surveyor/contractor.  Advice on the anticipated start date on site to carry out the repairs to the wall will be advised as soon as the costs have been received.


Streetscene’s Call Monitoring Procedures: The Contact Centre Team Leader had advised that contact centre advisors initially take the customer’s details – name, address and phone number – and log the request for service on to the Customer Relationship Management system (CRM).  At the end of the call, a CRM reference number is given, and the customer is given an expectation as to what will happen next, including timescales.

If the customer calls about an existing enquiry, the advisor will interrogate CRM to see if there are any progress notes.  The advisor can also arrange call backs and can also log emails received from members of the public and third parties such as Neighbourhood Wardens, on to CRM.

The Chair explained that one of the areas of concern was that people get through to Streetscene and they are put on hold whilst the advisor contacts another Department.  


Mark Smith, Streetscene Manager: replied that a rigorous approach is taken to dealing with calls through the calls centre.  The operators should be dealing with the issue at source, and not refer to colleagues in other Council Departments.  Set scripts are issued to ensure a consistent approach is taken to dealing with standard queries.  When an unusual query is received, the operator would take the details and speak to the service manager in the back office. 


A member of the public pointed out that a reference is not always given at the end of the call, and it is necessary to ask for one.  In his experience, there is a delay, the call appears to be disconnected, before it is reconnected and the reference number is given.


Mark Smith replied that all enquiries should have a reference number.  He asked for practical examples where the correct procedures are not being followed and they will be investigated.


Councillor Doyle had contacted Streetscene earlier in the day on behalf of a colleague who had a problem with their bin.  He was given a reference number as a matter of course, and told the enquiry would be logged.


Appendix 1 included an update on spending on You Decide 09/10


The sum of £10,037 has been allocated for Youth Activities and young people are being identified to participate in the activities.

Andy Wild’s post as Community Sports Officer, was funded in 2008/09.  The report shows his success in the area and should be applauded.


The Area Co-ordinator apologised for the delay in issuing the Area Forum Streetscene Update – January 2010, copies of which were on chairs.


Ruth Shaw stated that a question had been raised about the cost of respite for Mental Health.


Martin McEwan: NHS Wirral, replied that the total spend in 2009/10 was £40 million, made up of £30 million for statutory organisations [NHS/LA]; £8 million on private providers for mental health, £2 million on voluntary organisations, and £259,000 on carer support services.


Alan Dollery: advised that after the decision had been made to site a bench near the War Memorial in Osmaston Road, a local lad, Steven Boote, had been killed on 3 November whilst serving in Afghanistan.  Steve’s parents had welcomed the suggestion that a plaque with his name is placed on the bench.

The Chair agreed that the proposal is an excellent idea and one she would support.


The Chair undertook to enquire if Steven Boote’s name will be added to the War Memorial in Hamilton Square.


Patrick Dowling asked for an update on the state of the building and how the roof had coped with the recent heavy fall of snow.


The Area Co-ordinator stated that she had clarified the issues raised with the co-ordinator for the Gallery, who had given an assurance that the grant has been approved, the funding has not yet been received but repairs will begin shortly.  As venues alternate between Oxton and Prenton, the Williamson was chosen for this round of forums.


The Area Co-ordinator explained that as part of the forum “Have your Say” had been held before the meeting from 4pm onwards.  Members of the public had been invited to come along and meet local service providers and complete questionnaires about the area.  The responses received would be included in the area plan.


Robbie Bell had stood down as Community Representative at the last meeting. The vacancy will be advertised across the two Wards and in the local Press.  Nominations will be welcome for anyone who is interested in becoming a community representative.  Nominations would also be welcome for a Business Representative and for a Faith Representative.


The Chair asked for nominations to be sent to the Area Co-ordinator using the contact details given on the front of her report.  The Chair gave an assurance that all nominations received will be dealt with appropriately. 


A member of the public commented that the minutes record that 40 members of the public had attended the last area forum. He would like more people to attend as there were lots of groups who simply do not know that the Area Forum exists. 


Rob Beresford replied that the forums are constantly being reviewed.  He was unable to offer a solution this evening, but he was prepared to feedback the comments received into the review.


Alan Dollery stated that he is aware personally of everything that is going on, as are members of his association.  The way the Area Forums are advertised cannot go further than they are already with notification through posters, advertisements in the local Press, and stressed that meeting are always well supported when there is an issue that people are interested in.  Between 200/300 people had turned up when there was a threat of a landfill site in Prenton and there had been a good turnout over the library closures.  Area forum meetings are here for people who want to come and they will attend if there is a need.


The question was raised:


Do members of the public appreciate the purpose of the Forum and the representation? 


Who elected the community representatives we have here and who are they representative of?


Do forums provide value for money?


Area Co-ordinator replied vacancies are advertised in the press, those interested complete applications forms which are passed to the elected members.


The Chair stated that the issues have been discussed at previous meetings.

The additional comments were made: 


I think they are advertised well, on the community board at Sainsbury’s, and they do try their best. 


[Councillor Holbrook] – People turn out if there is a crisis.  It is disappointing for us as Councillors to see meetings not well attended.  The area forums have been running for some time now, they were created in a certain way, and they still run in that way.  The time is probably right to have a look at the formula used so far, and not just this one, but all eleven area forums, and see how they can be improved.


People can come along if there is a crisis and people say it is a useful place to go to if they have an issue.


Andrew Taylor: Attendance is not as bad as it looks.  I represent quite a large number of people, even though they might not be here tonight.  You have to factor this in.  This is a good representative outcome, given the apathy in local politics, but shouting at people doesn’t work.


Alan Dollery:  I represent a lot of people in Prenton.  The area forum is better than having nothing at all. 


Leonora Brace:  People were coming and going between 4 pm and 6 pm.  They were leaving what they wanted to say in the box because they had other things to do. 


The Area Co-ordinator stated that she would like to see a ‘full house’.  She asked if the public could help to advertise forums too by encouraging their neighbours and their local community to attend try and generate as much interest as possible.  If everyone brought just one person each, the numbers would double.


The Chair encouraged everyone to give their suggestions on how to improve the situation at any time.


Minute decision: That the minutes of the meeting of the Area Forum of 6 October 2009 be confirmed as a true record.

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