Agenda item

Update on future of Community Centres


The Chairman invited Ian Brand to give an update on the Strategic Asset Review in relation to West Kirby and Hoylake.


Ian confirmed that details of the asset transfer programme for Westbourne and Hoylake Community Centres had been included at the last forum meeting, and that the programme was following Council policy and a consistent approach. A meeting was held on 22nd October 2009 at the Deputy Chief Executive’s Office, with thee chairs of Joint Management Committees (JMC) of these community centres, along with the chair of the JMC from Greasby Community Centre, to look at how things could be moved on. Ian confirmed that this was a positive meeting and progress was being made.


Hoylake Community Centre – building condition surveys were carried out on the centre and these were being used as a basis to take forward issues re: work required prior to asset transfer. There was also a need to develop a business plan, so consultants have been introduced to assist with this.


Westbourne Hall – a meeting was held with the JMC following the building condition survey to look at addressing issues re: heating, structure, damp and roof. Further inspections will take place following the agreed works being carried out. Consultants have also been introduced to assist with the development of a business plan.


The Chairman thanked Ian Brand for his update and the following questions / issues were raised:


  1. Vaughan Williams, Chair of the Hoylake Community Centre JMC thanked the Councillors and Officers (in particular Jim Wilkie and Ian Brand) for their assistance in moving the asset transfer forward and confirmed that there was a strong urge to take this forward.


  1. Sandra Wall – what was happening with Birkenhead Town Hall, as this great asset was not being used?

Ian Brand – this was one of the assets identified as surplus to requirement, and for disposal. The Hamilton Partnership had been chosen, from a short-list of bidders, as the preferred bidder and work was being undertaken with this group to explore a proposed use for the building and bring this to fruition.  The Partnership has been given six months to work up a detailed plan.


  1. Margaret Campbell – what was the situation re: community asset transfer of allotments?

Ian Brand – confirmed that there was potential for allotments to go through this process. There were two parties interested in the allotments and the Council was looking to explore terms on these.


  1. Rosemary Chandler, Secretary of Sandringham Drive allotments – was there any timescale for allotment transfers?

Ian Brand – the sites being considered were at West Kirby and at Hoylake, but that there were no definite dates / timescales set at present.


  1. John Brace – are the community centres to be brought up to standard before being transferred?

Ian Brand – confirmed that the centres would be brought up to the standard agreed with the JMCs and in-line with the Council’s approved asset transfer policy. The structural surveys highlighted areas requiring further investigation / work.


Minute decision: -

Resolved that Ian Brand be thanked for his update