Agenda item

Public Question Time


4.1) Resident -I have rang Streetscene on a few occasions regarding the parking on Caithness Road and Seabank Road.  People park right up to the end of the junction and the only way to get out is to inch out until nothing is coming. Can yellow lines be installed?


Cllr Sue Taylor -There is a similar problem at the other end of Seabank Road by Manville Road. There have been two accidents when people have to edge out of the road. Joseph Smith from Streetscene has been out to look at the issue.


Dave Green -If a vehicle is parked causing an obstruction then this is an issue for the police to deal with. Yellow Lines depend on a Personal Injury Accident and priority is given to areas that have had the highest number of incidents. Unfortunately the council does not have enough resources to look at all the roads were issues have been raised. These 2 areas will be looked at to see if there is anything that can be done instead of installing yellow lines.


Cllr Tony Pritchard -We previously consulted with residents on Caithness Drive to see if they would like yellow lines. Most residents indicated that they wouldn’t like to see yellow lines as this would take away from of the car parking spaces.  Speeding along Seabank Road is the biggest problem and we have tried to lobby for additional traffic lights at the junction.


Dave Green -The council recognises that speeding is a issue faced across the whole Borough. If agreed by the full council, we will be introducing 20mph zones (this proposal has now been passed)


4.2) Terry Edwards -There is a large amount of fly tipping around the ex-Max Spielman building. After the building was taken over by West Wallasey Van Hire and alterations were done, fly tipping appeared and the owner claimed it is on his land. However part of this land looks to be public land?


Cllr Leslie Rennie -This issue has been looked into before and it does appear that the fly tipping is on the land owned by West Wallasey Van Hire.


Dave Green -Even though the fly tipping appears to be on private land the Council does have some powers to make people remove the waste. By potentially serving a notice on the owner of land, hopefully something could be done.


4.3) Mark Johnston -Since the traffic wardens have gone parking has become a big issue with people parking anywhere they want, a lot of time causing a obstruction.


Dave Green -If the cars are parked on double yellow lines, this is a decriminalised offence and the Council have the powers to do something about this. If a car is parked causing in a way to cause an obstruction only the Police can do something about it and the traffic wardens do not have any powers when a car is parked in this way.


4.4) Joan Roberts -Are there any develops being made to Bayswater Road as the traffic is a real problem, especially now that the construction of the Neptune Development has added to it?


Cllr Kate Wood/Dave Green -As part of the planning application for the Neptune Development the Council insisted that money was put towards improving the traffic on Bayswater Road. Work will start soon on a mini roundabout which will see an improvement to the congestion and traffic. Money will also be invested in improving the footpaths along the road.


Cllr Tony Pritchard - When the original planning application was put in we raised concerns about the increase of traffic going towards Neptune from Seabank Road.


4.5) Dave Hanlon -Is there any news on proposed changes to the 432 and 442 bus service, which would see more provision of an evening and bank holidays?


Cllr Sue Taylor -There have been discussions about increasing the 432 and 442 routes, however these changes may not imminent. If and when changes are made they will be fully advertised through the local press as usual. 


4.6) Cllr Tony Pritchard -We have tried to get speed cameras along Seabank Road to reduce the speed of the cars travelling along it, is there an update on this?


Dave Green -The Council have just ordered 14 new vehicle activated signs. These will be the signs that ask drivers to slow down and not display the speed the cars are travelling at as recent studies have shown that these have a opposite effect and some drivers see how fast they can make the sign flash at. In terms of speed cameras it is very difficult to have signs placed on certain roads as the Government Guidelines on where a camera can be placed are very strict.


4.7) Cllr Tony Pritchard -Do emergency vehicles have to slow down for speed cameras?


Police/Fire Service - Emergency vehicles can go through a red light. Depending on the skills of the driver depends on what speed they can travel at. When an emergency vehicle goes through a red light it does take a photo. A report is then produced and studied. If a driver deems to have gone through a red light dangerously or over their speed limit they could be disciplined.