Agenda item

MOTION :Tackling the Recession


Proposed by Councillor Gill Gardiner

Seconded by Councillor Simon Holbrook


(1) This Council welcomes Wirral’s Economic Recovery Plan as reported to Cabinet on 4th February and the LSP Executive on 17th February 2010 and the work being carried out to respond to the effects of recession, supporting businesses and preparing Wirral’s economy for recovery, including:


·  Advice and information cascaded to businesses about how to survive and recover from recession.

·  Council invoices paid within 10 days to all creditors employing less than 250 people.

·  Continued expansion of the Wirral Apprenticeship Programme to 200 places through this year’s budget.

·  Targeted employment support for young people aged 18-24.

·  Multi agency working and strong voluntary sector support to provide increased capacity for debt advice for residents, support and signposting for older people and newcomers to benefits and personal advice.

·  Tailored business start up support through Wirral Biz.

·  Construction Integrator to improve engagement and recruitment of local workless residents.

·  A mortgage rescue scheme.

·  Funding though this year’s budget to provide super fast broadband communications for business.

·  Measures to attract inward investment.

·  Promoting new development in the borough.


(2) Whilst recognising the positive impact of the measures taken to date, this Council believes that every effort must continue to be made to protect residents and businesses through the continuing period of economic uncertainty ahead. In particular, that the anticipated reductions in public sector budgets by the incoming government following the general election do not result in a double-dip recession which would harm Wirral’s prospects for economic recovery.


(3) Therefore, Council requests that the Director of Corporate Services continues to seek best practice, including that from other areas, report back on how these can be incorporated into the Economic Recovery Plan and investigate the feasibility of providing additional support measures, such as:


·  How the Council’s website, along with leaflets aimed at families, businesses, the redundant and unemployed and the elderly and vulnerable community groups, can be used to provide useful tools such as a personal budget planner, finding out about benefits, reducing debt, coping with rising bills, help with getting new skills, advice on how to save money, links to useful partner websites.

·  Where practicable, securing more goods and services from local companies, and encouraging others to do the same.

·  Building on the success of the ‘Boost Your Business – Beat the Economic Downturn’ workshops held at the Floral Pavilion with ‘Recovery Roadshows’ to bring support services to businesses.

·  Using the Area Forums as a mechanism to take information about support and advice services out into the community.


(4) In addition, in developing these initiatives, Council believes that it should itself play a strong role by setting an example, as the Borough’s largest employer, by considering how we can provide training and employment opportunities for those groups in greatest need of support, such as looked after children and disabled people.


Amendment submitted in accordance with Standing Order 7(2):




Proposed by Councillor Jeff Green

Seconded by Councillor Simon Mountney



(5) Council also notes that the best way to help people through the recession is to alleviate the effects of frozen or falling take home pay by freezing Council Tax, supporting the small and medium sized businesses which employ most Wirral residents with help to counter the effects of increased business rates and to support the call of business leaders to prevent the proposed increase in National Insurance.


The amendment was put and lost (22:39)


The motion was put and carried unanimously.