Agenda item

Community Engagement "what has been happening in your area"


Merseyside Police Inspector Andy Wise – explained have been working on statistical information and there has been a reduction in total crime from last year and went over extensive report available in papers provided.  He also mentioned that the Community Support Officers and the Local Authority Officers have been posting leaflets in relation to door and window safety and would like to thank everybody to to part.


Community Safety – Jim Thompson – Crime has fallen on Wirral by 10% although crime is expected to up on the up, because of the warm weather but they are nuisances crime rather than serious crime.  Jim Thompson urges forum members and the public to report anything that happens and it will be dealt with.  He also stated that Wirral is one of the safest places in the Country and we need everybody’s help to keep it that way and report things as they happen.


Public Member – had trouble in the park behind where we live with a lot of drunken kids and we did phone the Police a lot last year.  Local Community Police have gone in the park now 3 times per week and I would just like to thank everybody involved to address this issue we had. 


Inspector Andy Wise – we have Key Individual Network Meetings which are advertised in supermarkets, shops and libraries etc – these are public meetings chaired by the Police.  Informed the forum that everybody is welcome and can let the Police know what we should be prioritising when we are not dealing with emergencies.  Explained that youths must be listened to as wel as they are the next generation and we cannot push them away. 


Ray Johnson – I thought you were going to get rid of KINS meetings?


Inspector Andy Wise – yes we are.  We are going to have priority meetings instead. 


Ray Johnson – I think they are a good idea and it is a bad idea to get rid of them.  If I spoke to you in confidence then no one else in the area would know about the problem but with these meetings other residents are aware of what is going on.


Inspector Andy Wise – the meeting is publicised so everyone will know anyway and everything is prioritised and that is publicised as well.


Jim Thompson – there are a number of ways to can make them points – have extensive neighbourhood watch meetings and updates on Councils community patrol on the website. 


Q (Public Member) – why is KINS meetings being cancelled?


Inspector Andy Wise – we are not getting the best picture of what people really want us to focus on and the attendance is bad.


Q (Public Member) – PCSO (Police Community Support Officer) – will you be able to maintain excellent standards?


Inspector Andy Wise – it is not cuts as such, it is a freeze on recruitment and numbers of PCSO’s will stay the same.


Q (Public Member) – what about CSO’s?


Inspector Andy Wise – nothing has been mentioned but I would like to keep them.


Councillor Jerry William/Walter Smith CSO’s (Community Support Officers) are tremendous and appreciated, the bad points are the constant moving around of the Police Officers and the Police telephone system is bad.  We have complained to the Home Secretary but nothing has been done yet.


Merseyside Fire and Rescue Ian Maxwell – Highlighted key areas in the extensive report contained in papers provided across pages 11 – 13.


NHS Wirral Lorna Quigley – Highlighted key areas in the extensive report contained in papers provided across pages 15 – 16.


Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Jane Wilshaw - Highlighted key areas in the extensive report contained in papers provided across pages 9 – 21.


Q (Public Member) – how far are we with single sex wards?


Jane Wilshaw – general wards are all single sex.  Medical assessment and high assessment units are not as people only stay there a short length of time.


Q (Public Member) – I was in hospital and there was no divide to separate men and woman!


Jane Wilshaw – there should be a door to separate – I will look into this.


Q (Public Member) – I think it is disgusting that nurses sit outside on the dirty benches smoking – it irritates me as there surely is a risk of infection.


Jane Wilshaw – I will look into that for you.


Q (Public Member) – when I was a nurse we were not allowed to wear our uniforms outside and on buses and I see them all the time.


Jane Wilshaw – it should not be the case.  Hospital staff that do not do this.  Maybe it is another uniform but I will look into it.


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