Agenda item

Public Question Time


Q (Public Member) – Traffic lighting around Clatterbridge roundabout – how is this getting on?


Streetscene Manager – Phil Miner – the groundwork has been done the only thing outstanding is the electrical side.


Q (Public Member) – is there a CCTV camera there?


Phil Miner – yes and it is owned by the Council, this is for traffic flow monitoring.


Ray Johnson – the School road sign in Higher Bebington is upside down – I did e-mail you about it.


Phil Miner – the priority is to get the main route sorted and then we will go back and do that.


Q (Public Member) – where you meet Willaston before Neston, the road sign disappears in the hedge and it is facing the wrong way.


Phil Miner – I will look into it.


Public Question time (contined):


Q (Public Member) – I was approached by a number of people in Brackenwood saying there has been a ‘no ball games’ sign put up on grass land – why has this been put up and can it come down?


Councillor Jerry Williams – we need Wirral Partnership Homes to be here.  We have thousands of complaints of kids playing football in roads etc and it can be distressing for the people who live in the area were the football is being played. We do try and encourage them to play in parks.


Public Member – the closest park is a significant distance away.  The sign has been put up in open space which is designed for them to play in.


Councillor Jerry Williams – I will have to get someone from Wirral Partnership Homes to look into this and report back to the next meeting in October.


Phil Miner – if the sign was put up by WPH then we have no power to take it down.


Public Member – there are more people who don’t want the sign than do.  One person is a foster carer and now the young children cannot go and play on the front.


Councillor Sheila Clarke – Wirral has the most no ball games signs – the message seems to be we do not want children here!!  The ethos is children should be allowed to play in a safe area. 


Councillor Walter Smith – the problem with ball games is I can understand parents point of view but also the other residents suffer with balls landing in their gardens or banging on their walls and hitting windows.  We understand children need to be active but not to play in the middle of the road.


Public Member – lots of people played football when I was young but too many people have cars now – it is not safe.


Councillor Jerry Williams – we have had 300 complaints in just one road.


Public Member (from original question) – I am not actually talking about a road, I am talking about a small field.


Councillor Jerry Williams – can I suggest that someone from Wirral Partnership homes attends the next meeting.


Q (Public member) – are there any plans to extend parking on Kings Lane?


Phil Miner – no plans yet as there is a certain criteria we must follow.


Q (Public member) – are there any plans to resurface side roads off Kings Road in the next 12 months?


Phil Miner – I don’t think so.  I will take your details at the end and let you know.


Councillor Jerry Williams - we are actually going around on pushbikes looking for places that need resurfacing.


Q (Public member) – is there anywhere we can access the list or roads that are to be treated?


Phil Miner – the structural maintenance project was handed out at a previous forum and it is also available online.


Q (Public member) – I am fed up with workmen constantly blocking pavements with vans and materials and we have to walk on the road.  Can they do this?


Phil Miner – no – it needs to be reported to Streetscene, We will endeavour to get them removed and we have the power to remove all materials if it is an obstruction.  They are not allowed to obstruct the highway.


Ray Johnson – in relation to the speed camera on Storeton Road, there is a big tree in front of it.  It is just a waste of time.


Phil Miner – I will send an Inspector tomorrow to look at it.


Public Member – there has been graffiti a few times to the Church I belong to and I rang Streetscene and they have been out a number of times – they are fantastic.


Phil Miner – Thank you.  I will take that comment back with me.


Michelle Gray – thanked everybody for attending and taking part in the ‘you decide’ process.  Michelle explained there will be a report with regards to the most popular activities chosen and will report back to the forum In October.  Michelle also explained that if anybody would like to be informed of the results beforehand they can leave their details either with herself, Helen Gallagher or Steve Russell.  The Community Engagement Team also plan to publish also reports and regular keep the forum involved.

Ray Johnson – I was just wondering if we could hear from Paula Mansley?  She has done some fantastic work and it is important that we put money into youth projects like this and the work she has done over the years has been rewarding to the community.


Paula Mansley - read through report that was handed to all forum members and introduced 3 young people who have all been successful in the CSLA course. One of them is now coaching and the others are going onto the next stage of their qualification.