Agenda item

Public Question Time


4.1.  It was raised that the hourly bus service through Irby (Glenwood Road/Coombe Road) is irregular – this is due to the roads being blocked by cars and the bus can’t get through.  Can this issue be looked at for solutions – eg: Yellow lines/use the grass verge to make road wider.  This road problem is also a problem for refuse collections.  This issue will be taken away and discussed and will report back at the next meeting.


4.2   PCT – What progress is being made on the Warrens development?


A.  Planning permission is required, there are some ecological issues to be discussed with the developer.


4.3   Would it be possible to have a breakdown of monies spent to date?  Has it gone up from £430k.


A.  There are no figures as yet.


4.4.  How could it be that a music festival can take place and cost the council money, when they had closed Ivy Farm because of savings.


A.  The music festival was privately funded.  There may have been legal fees  involved, unsure of how much, but will find out for the next meeting. 


4.5  When reporting a fault to Street Scene, is there a time limit for responses? There have been a number of issues reported and no letters or replies have been received. 


This is not acceptable or satisfactory.

Some of the issues reported are:

§  Sign to be replaced at Coniston Road – 9 month wait

§  Clean up of roads – WI did a litter sweep

§  Tree replacements for Greasby Road

·  Crab Apple Tree – Irby Village – Causing a hazard with the fallen apples on the road.


A.  The normal response to complaints should be within 30 days.  This issue will be raised with the Director of Street Scene and will report back at the next meeting.


4.6  One of the You Decide activities for the money to be spent is £500 for notice boards at allotment sites.  Mersey Travel sourced their old notice boards and donated them to each allotment site.


4.7.  Who’s idea was it to place the large yellow road signs to state how many accidents had happened on various roads around Wirral.  What happens with the numbers when another accident occurs?


A.  It is a National Inspired Scheme, paid for by a government grant.  The idea is to make motorists aware of hazardous parts of the roads and to reduce the risk for any future accidents.  The first signs appeared in a neighbouring authority.


4.8  Could the signs be removed?


A.  The signs are part of a grant and cannot be removed.  The grant is to get the balance right with the risks and seriousness on the roads, trying to keep residents and visitors safe.  The motive of the signs is good, to educate and make people aware of the risks on the roads.


4.9.  Greasby library is currently being extended to include a children’s centre.  Congratulations were extended to the previous administraton who made this decision.


4.10  The Girl Guides in Frankby are not able to use the church hall as their base anymore.  This is very disappointing for the group as they are unable to find another venue for their meetings.  Would it be possible to approach the church for them to reconsider? 


A.  The Children’s Centre is welcomed in Greasby.  With regards to re-housing of the Girl Guides, it is hoped that they find alternative accommodation soon.  John Smith is trying to help them find alternative accommodation.


4.11  Is it possible to received the Agenda, Minutes and reports earlier than receiving them on the day.


A.  All the above is available on line and they are available in the one-stop shops 2 weeks prior to the meeting.  Alternatively, requests can be made on the signing in sheets.


4.12  Why is it that when treated at one hospital (Southport - eg. Xray, records) and then return to the local hospital (Arrowe Park) the records are not forwarded to them.  Is there a facility for this information to be transferred?


A.  This is an issue for a Trust Member – The present system is traditionally for the records to remain at the hospital.  There is a new computer system being introduced with a large infrastructure.  It is intended for all records to be accessed and for hospitals to share information for on-going care.  This is an ongoing and expensive scheme.


4.13  Is there an email address or contact point to receive information on issues in the minutes/report?


A.  The email address for is  Or speak to Andy Brannan at the end of the meeting.


4.14  There has been a problem regarding the appointment procedure at Arrowe Park Hospital.  The dates have been written down incorrectly, name not pronounced correctly and basically a very poor and upsetting time for the lady concerned.


A.  Apologies were made to the lady concerned and was asked to discuss this matter with the representative from PCT at the end of the meeting – A proper reply and apology will be sorted.