Agenda item

Partner Update


The Chair invited the partners to give brief updates:


NHS Wirral:

Paul Edwards informed the Forum that a detailed briefing was available in the Area Co-ordinator’s report and highlighted the following:

·  GP health check / MOT – this was available to everyone aged 40-74 and he urged people to take up this offer.

·  Drop-in dementia café – volunteers were being sought for this service available for carers of people with dementia. Café details can be given at the end of the meeting to anyone interested.

·  New Health Centre at Laird Street – centre opened last week and can treat minor emergencies, further details included in the briefing


Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust:

Lesley Metcalfe informed the Forum that a detailed briefing was available in the Area Co-ordinator’s report and further information available at the meeting, and highlighted the following:

·  The Trust was facing a financial challenge as needs to make £14m efficiency savings – further details were included in the information available at the meeting.

·  New surgical admissions lounge was opened last month. Developments at Arrowe Park were detailed in the Public Membership Newsletter available at the meeting.

·  Retirement of the Trust Chair, Eryl Hoskins and appointment of the new Trust Chair, Michael Carr, on 1st July 2010 – further information on this and public membership were detailed in the Public Membership Newsletter.


The Chair thanked Paul Edwards and Lesley Metcalfe for their updates and the following questions / issues were raised:


Leonora Brace – raised concern over an embarrassing incident following emergency surgery. Lesley agreed to discuss this in more detail at the end of the meeting.


Jim Cadwallader – asked if the Trust was satisfied with the standard of nursing in the hospital and raised concern over the effects of reduction in standards due to proposed cuts.

Lesley confirmed that the Trust was satisfied with the standard of nursing and that the Trust would be aiming to work smarter so that the high standard of services could be maintained.


Member of the public – raised concern over the difference in the life expectancy of people form Central Birkenhead in comparison to that of people from Heswall (11 years below).

David Ball – agreed that this was an important issue and added that at the Health Summit held early this year one of the key issues raised was the difference in life expectancy between people from the west and east side of the Wirral. Further work was being carried out on this and meetings were taking place with the Director of Public Health to look at this issue.


Hugh Langford added that the disparity in life expectancy was tending to increase rather than decrease. He suggested that the reason could be that people in west Wirral were more likely to follow health messages and that those that needed to most did not take on board suggestions for improving their health. David Ball agreed to discuss this in more detail at the end of the meeting.


Paul Edwards added that Birkenhead was a focus for public health activities, and that the NHS Wirral was proud of its investment and target intervention within the area, such as the new build in Noctorum.


Councillor Phil Davies added that he would like the profile of the Health Action Areas Initiative targeting this area to be raised. Cutting services such as housing and young people into employment will widen the disparity gap, and he confirmed that he would endeavour to try and stop such cuts.


Fire and Rescue Service:

Dave Watson informed the Forum that a detailed briefing was available on pages 11-14 of the Area Co-ordinator’s report and highlighted the following:


Key Strategy of the Service was to reduce fires within the home, 66% of accidental dwelling fires occur within the kitchen. Home Fire Safety checks are targeted within areas of high accidents, and requested that anyone that had not had, or knew of anyone (particularly vulnerable people) that had not had a home fire safety check to arrange this by calling freephone number on page 14 of the report. The service was successful in this area but was aiming to improve further by reducing the reduction of accidental fires by a further 10%.


The Chair thanked Dave Watson for his update and the following questions / issues were raised:


Member of the public – asked if there was any volunteer work available, such as that run through Bright Sparks initiative?

Dave Watson – confirmed that there were opportunities for volunteering and agreed to provide further details on this at the end of the meeting.


Community Safety:

Ian Lowrie informed the Forum that a detailed briefing was available in the Area Co-ordinator’s report and highlighted the following:


Home security - doors and windows should be locked when leaving the home during the warmer weather as many burglaries are walk-in / sneak thefts. A recent patrol revealed that 700 out of 900doors were un-secure. He also encouraged people to set up neighbourhood watch schemes and confirmed that the Community Safety Team would assist in setting up such schemes.


The Chair thanked Ian Lowrie for his update and the following questions / issues were raised:


Member of the public – asked if apologies had been received for non-attendance at the meeting from the Police.

Andy Brannan confirmed that he had not received any apologies for the meeting and agreed to look into this and feedback.



Brian Smith informed the Forum that a detailed briefing was available in the Area Co-ordinator’s report and added that resurfacing works were being carried out at Argyle Street / Conway Street.


The Chair thanked Brian for his update and the following questions / issues were raised:


Collette McDonagh – asked what was happening at Slatey Road and Park Road South.

Brian Smith confirmed that problems had been identified and remedial works were being carried out by the contractor.


Pat – the signs on the corner of Rodney Street face outward instead of inward.

Brian agreed to look into this and ensure that the signs are placed the correct way.


Member of the public – raised issue of problems with alleygates and need for anti-vandals screws being fitted.

Ian Lowrie – agreed to discuss this in more detail at the end of the meeting.


Minute Decision - Resolved that:


(i)  The Partners be thanked for their updates

(ii)  Andy Brannan to contact Police representative re: non-attendance at meeting

(iii)  Brian Smith to arrange for the signs on the corner of Rodney Street to be placed the correct way