Agenda item


The members of the Council are invited to consider whether they have a personal or prejudicial interest in connection with any matter to be debated or determined at this meeting and, if so, to declare it and state the nature of such interest.


The members of the Council were invited to consider whether they had a personal or prejudicial interest in connection with any matter to be debated or determined at the meeting and, if so, to declare it and state the nature of such interest. The following declarations were made:


All councillors who had been appointed to outside bodies declared a personal interest in item 5 (iii) ‘Indemnities for Members and Officers’ by virtue of their membership of those outside bodies.


Councillors R Abbey and A McArdle declared a prejudicial interest in item 5 (iii) ‘Indemnities for Members and Officers’, by virtue of their membership of Leasowe Community Homes Management Board and left the chamber whilst the matter was considered.


Councillor G Davies declared a prejudicial interest in Motion 4 (Possible Academy Sites) by virtue of him being a school governor and left the chamber whilst the matter was considered.


Councillors D Roberts, T Harney, K Hayes and T Anderson declared a prejudicial interest in item 5 (iii) ‘Indemnities for Members and Officers’, by virtue of their membership of the Board of Wirral Partnership Homes and left the chamber whilst the matter was considered.


Councillor B Kenny declared a prejudicial interest in item 5 (iii) ‘Indemnities for Members and Officers’, by virtue of him being a Director of Birkenhead Market, a member of Wirral Multicultural Organisation and the Lauries Centre and left the chamber whilst the matter was considered.


Councillor A McLachlan declared a prejudicial interest in item 5 (iii) ‘Indemnities for Members and Officers’, by virtue of her being a member of the Beechwood and Ballantyne Community Housing Association Board and also a prejudicial interest in Motion 4 (Possible Academy Sites) by virtue of her son’s employment and left the chamber whilst these matters were considered.


Councillor C Meaden declared a prejudicial interest in item 5 (iii) ‘Indemnities for Members and Officers’, by virtue of her being a member of the Beechwood and Ballantyne Community Housing Association Board and left the chamber whilst the matter was considered. She also declared a personal interest in Motion 4 (Possible Academy Sites) by virtue of her being a school governor.


Councillor P Glasman declared a prejudicial interest in item 5 (iii) ‘Indemnities for Members and Officers’, by virtue of her being a member of the Merseyside Arts, Culture and Media Industries Board and left the chamber whilst the matter was considered.


Councillor P Hayes declared a prejudicial interest in motion 7 (“Ghettos of Unemployment”) by virtue of his employment and left the chamber whilst the matter was considered.


Councillor D Elderton declared a prejudicial interest in item 5 (iii) ‘Indemnities for Members and Officers’, by virtue of him being a member of the Egerton House Trust and Wirral Citizens Advice Bureau and left the chamber whilst the matter was considered.


Councillor I Lewis declared a prejudicial interest in item 5 (iii) ‘Indemnities for Members and Officers’, by virtue of his membership of Leasowe Community Homes Management Board and of Wirral Multicultural Organisation and left the chamber whilst the matter was considered. He also declared a personal interest in motion 5 (Free Swimming) by virtue of his membership of Leasowe Recreation Centre.


Councillor W Smith declared a prejudicial interest in Motion 4 (Possible Academy Sites) by virtue of him being a school governor and left the chamber whilst the matter was considered.


Councillor S Niblock declared a prejudicial interest in item 5 (iii) ‘Indemnities for Members and Officers’, by virtue of his membership of Wirral Citizens Advice Bureau and left the chamber whilst the matter was considered.


Councillor M McLaughlin declared a prejudicial interest in item 5 (iii) ‘Indemnities for Members and Officers’, by virtue of her membership of Age Concern Board and left the chamber whilst the matter was considered.


Councillor S Williams, L Rowlands and J Green declared a personal interest in Motion 4 (Possible Academy Sites) by virtue of their wives’ employment.


Councillor C Povall declared a personal interest in Motion 4 (Possible Academy Sites) by virtue of her daughter’s employment.


Councillors G Ellis, E Boult, G Watt, S Clarke, A Jennings, K Williams, S Mountney, J Crabtree, S Foulkes, S Holbrook and R Moon, declared a personal interest in item 5 (iii) ‘Indemnities for Members and Officers’, by virtue of their membership of a variety of trusts to which they had been appointed by the Council.