Agenda item

Allocation of Call-In Notices

The views of the Scrutiny Programme Board are sought in relation to the allocation of the following Call-In Notices, both of which have been submitted by the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Labour Group, Councillor S Foulkes and Councillor P Davies –


(i)  Cabinet Minute 68 (22 July 2010)

Area Based Grant


(ii)  Cabinet Minute 84 (22 July 2010)

Parks and Countryside Service Procurement Exercise (PACSPE)


It is entirely a matter for the Board whether Members choose to consider Call-In Notices themselves, or to refer them to one or more of the themed Overview and Scrutiny Committees.


In anticipation of the Board allocating the call-in notices to the Council Excellence Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Area Based Grant) and the Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee (PACSPE), consultations have taken place with the relevant Chairs and spokespersons for those meetings to take place.


The Director of Law, HR and Asset Management sought the views of the Scrutiny Programme Board in relation to the allocation of the following Call-In Notices, both of which had been submitted by the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Labour Group, Councillor S Foulkes and Councillor P Davies –


(i)  Cabinet Minute 68 (22 July 2010)

Area Based Grant


(ii)  Cabinet Minute 84 (22 July 2010)

Parks and Countryside Service Procurement Exercise (PACSPE)


He reported that it was entirely a matter for the Board whether Members chose to consider Call-In Notices themselves, or to refer them to one or more of the themed Overview and Scrutiny Committees. He commented that in anticipation of the Board allocating the call-in notices to the Council Excellence Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Area Based Grant) and the Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee (PACSPE), consultations had taken place with the relevant Chairs and spokespersons for those meetings to take place. The provisional dates agreed were 26 August 2010 for the Council Excellence O&S Committee and 31 August 2010 for the Sustainable Communities O&S Committee.


He reported that the provisional dates were one and three days respectively, outside the deadline for their consideration of fifteen working days. He outlined the reasons for officers being unable to adhere to the deadline, due in part to the need to convene a meeting of the Board for their formal allocation. However, he confirmed that the Cabinet decisions would not be implemented until the call-in notices had been determined.


Members expressed the view that all call-in notices should be heard within the deadlines set by the Council; however, in those instances where deadlines could not be adhered to, then call-ins should be heard by the Board itself. The respective Chairs of the Council Excellence and Sustainable Communities O&S Committees commented that the experience of the Members of those Committees suggested that they were best placed to deal with call-ins which fell within their remit. Members also expressed the view that the operation of the Scrutiny Programme Board in relation to call-in notices should be reviewed.


It was moved by Councillor H Smith and seconded by Councillor G Davies –


“That, in view of the issue of in-house bids for services referred to within the call-in notice, the call-in in relation to Cabinet minute 84 – Parks and Countryside Service Procurement Exercise (PACSPE) be retained by the Scrutiny Programme Board for determination.”


It was moved as an amendment by Councillor Hale and seconded by Councillor Bridson –


“That the call-in of Cabinet minute 84 – Parks and Countryside Service Procurement Exercise (PACSPE) be referred to the Sustainable Communities O&S for determination.”


The amendment was put and carried (6:4)


Resolved –


(1)  That the call-in of Cabinet minute 68 – Area Based Grant, be referred to the Council Excellence O&S Committee on 26 August 2010, for determination.


(2)  That the call-in of Cabinet minute 84 – Parks and Countryside Service Procurement Exercise (PACSPE), be referred to the Sustainable Communities O&S for determination. (6:4)


(3)  That the officers be requested to investigate the possibility of the Sustainable Communities O&S Committee call-in meeting, scheduled for 31 August 2010, being held at an earlier date, if it is possible to do so, having regard to the availability of Committee Members, the signatories to the call-in and key witnesses.

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