Agenda item

Care Quality Commission Inspection Report


The Director of Adult Social Services submitted a report providing an introduction to the Care Quality Commission(CQC) Inspection findings from its inspection undertaken in May 2010.  The focus of the inspection had been on safeguarding adults, making a positive contribution for adults with a learning disability and increased choice and control for adults with a learning disability.


He gave a presentation setting out the main findings of the inspection, that had taken place over six days in May.  The CQC had criticised the Council’s performance on safeguarding adults and increasing choice for adults with learning disabilities stating it was “poor”.  It was rated just “adequate” on making a positive contribution for adults with learning difficulties and the Council’s capacity to improve had been categorised “uncertain”.


The Inspection Report identified what the CQC found the Council was doing well, areas for development, and its recommendations for improvements in each of the areas inspected that would need to be addressed through a robust Improvement Plan. Cabinet had recognised that improvements would need to be made, both to Safeguarding and Services for People with Learning Disabilities.  The first comprehensive Improvement Plan had been submitted to the Care Quality Commission and would be kept under close scrutiny with progress reports to Cabinet submitted at two monthly intervals. A second revised Improvement Plan would be submitted after wider consultationand refinement by 17 October.


The Council had produced an action plan in response to the inspection report to address all areas for improvement and the Care Quality Commission would return to Wirral in approximately six months’ time undertake a follow up inspection and check on progress made.


The Director of Adult Social Services apologised that this Service had not been acceptable.  He was given full Cabinet support, and a timetable to take whatever action was necessary to turn the unacceptable performance around.


Councillor Bob Moon, Cabinet Member, had thanked the CQC for bringing this matter to the Council’s attention and noted that they would return in January to check on progress.


The Chair said that she was dismayed and disturbed by the report. Having worked in the social care sector for many years with the most vulnerable people she was committed to improving services and therefore offered her apologies to these service users.


The Director outlined the role of the Reform Team in introducing reforms in safeguarding and changes in processes which had been acknowledged by the CQC. However, the CQC were concerned with outcomes when they had examined the individual case files. The Reform Team would therefore focus on review and reform of day time services.


There was a general discussion regarding the failures identified in the CQC report which highlighted the need to drive forward the improvement plan and closely monitor its progress.


It was moved by Councillor Mountney and seconded by Councillor Williams that:


(1)  That this Committee note the disturbing findings of the CQC inspection report published on 2 September, 2010 and note the improvement plan put forward and initially agreed by Cabinet


(2)  That Committee note the content of the improvement plan and understand that this will be monitored and amended as necessary by cabinet


It was moved as a friendly amendment by Councillor McLaughlin and seconded by Councillor Bridson that the motion be amended by the addition of the following:


(3) That a working group be established comprising the chair and party spokespersons (or their nominees) to monitor the progress of the improvement plan


The friendly amendment was accepted without a vote.


The motion, as amended, was put and carried unanimously.


Resolved –


(1)  That this Committee note the disturbing findings of the CQC inspection report published on 2 September, 2010 and note the improvement plan put forward and initially agreed by Cabinet.


(2)  That Committee note the content of the improvement plan and understand that this will be monitored and amended as necessary by Cabinet.


(3) That a working group be established comprising the chair and party spokespersons (or their nominees) to monitor the progress of the improvement plan.


This minute was subsequently amended by the Committee on 1 November, 2010 (minute 30 refers) as the membership of the working group had been established as follows, Councillor Ann Bridson (Chair) and Councillors Tony Smith and Geoffrey Watt (or their nominees).

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