Committee details
Standards and Constitutional Oversight Committee
Purpose of committee
The Standards and Constitutional Oversight Committee’s functions and delegated powers are set out in Article 9, Part 2. The terms of reference of the Standards and Constitutional Oversight Committee Panel’s (Sub-Committees) are also set out in Article 9.
The Standards and Constitutional Oversight Committee will:-
(i) promote and maintain high standards of conduct by Members, Co-Opted Members and church and parent governor representatives;
(ii) to advise and recommend to Council the adoption, revision or replacement of the Code(s) of Conduct for Members, Co-Opted Members and Officers.
(iii) assist the Members and Co-Opted Members and church and parent governor representatives to observe the Members’ Code of Conduct;
(iv) monitor and review the complaints made under the Members’ Code of Conduct; including the operation of the Members’ Code of Conduct;
(v) advise, train or arrange to train Members, Co-Opted Members and church and parent governor representatives on matters relating to the Members’ Code of Conduct;
(vi) establish, amend or revise arrangements under which allegations that an elected or co-opted Member of the Council has failed, or may have failed, to comply with the Council’s Code of Conduct for Members can be investigated (which shall include but not be limited to developing and adopting procedures and protocols and authorising the Council’s Monitoring Officer to make such changes to the arrangements as are considered necessary for the effective and timely investigation of allegations).
(vii) establish, amend or revise arrangements under which decisions on allegations that an elected or co-opted Member of the Council has failed, or may have failed, to comply with the Members’ Code of Conduct can be made (which shall include but not be limited to developing and adopting procedures and protocols and authorising the Council’s Monitoring Officer to make such changes to the arrangements as are considered necessary for effective and timely decision making).
(viii) support the Monitoring Officer in the exercise of that Officer’s ethical standards functions, in particular the duty to establish and maintain registers of interests for the Council.
(ix) in relation to Members or Co-Opted Members or church and/or parent governor representatives with pecuniary interests, putting in place arrangements to grant dispensations, in appropriate cases, from the restrictions on speaking and/or voting.
(x) to exercise all other functions of the Council in relation to ethical standards, in particular those under Chapter 7 of the Localism Act 2011.
(xi) monitoring and reviewing as necessary the operation of whistle-blowing procedures;
(xii) considering reports arising from external inspections, audit investigations, Ombudsman investigations where maladministration is found, legal challenges and other sources which cast doubt on the honesty or integrity of the Council or its Members;
(xiii) to consider and make recommendations on such other matters as the Committee itself thinks appropriate or which are referred to it by Council, which further the aim of promoting and maintaining the highest standards of conduct within the Council;
(xiv) approve the payment of compensation involving sums in excess of £5,000 (or less, if considered appropriate) to settle complaints of maladministration.
(xv) establishing such sub-committees and/or panel as are required to discharge its role and the functions as set out in these Terms of Reference.
(xvi) To keep the Council’s constitutional arrangements under review and to make such recommendations to the council as it considers appropriate for ways in which it should be amended in order better to achieve the purposes set out in Article 1.
(xvii) To oversee and agree such minor and consequential changes to the Council’s constitutional arrangements as are recommended by the Monitoring officer from time to time.
The Committee shall have delegated power and responsibility to act on behalf of the Council as Trustee of the E.F Callister Youth Club.
- Councillor Tony Cox (Chair)
- Councillor Christopher Cooke (Spokesperson)
- Councillor Phil Gilchrist (Spokesperson)
- Councillor Paul Stuart
- Councillor Gillian Wood (Spokesperson)
Contact information
Support officer: Shirley Hudspeth.
Postal address:
Committee Services
Wallasey Town Hall
Brighton Street
Wallsey, Wirral
CH44 8ED
Phone: 0151 691 8559
Web site: