Committee details
People Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Purpose of committee
Overview and Scrutiny Committees
The Council will annually constitute and appoint three Overview and Scrutiny Committees, comprising of fifteen councillors, to discharge the functions conferred by section 21 of the Local Government Act 2000 or regulations under section 32 of the Local Government Act 2000.
General Role
Within their terms of reference, Overview and Scrutiny Committees will:
(a) Review and / or scrutinise the decisions made or actions taken in connection with the discharge of the Council’s functions;
(b) Review and scrutinise the performance of other public bodies in the area and invite reports from them by requesting them to address the Overview and Scrutiny committee about their activities and performance;
(c) Support joint work planning arrangements in developing an integrated scrutiny work programme;
(d) Make reports and / or recommendations to the Council and / or the Cabinet in connection with any policy or the discharge of any functions;
(e) Exercise the right to call in, for reconsideration decisions made but not yet implemented by the Executive function of the Council;
(f) Assist the Council and the Cabinet in the development and monitoring of the annual budget;
(g) Review and scrutinise the Council’s transformation governance and processes as well as monitoring the outcomes and benefits of the Transformation Programme;
(h) Review and scrutinise the Council’s partnership arrangements;
(i) Review and scrutinise the Council’s commissioning activities;
(j) Review and scrutinise the performance of the Council in relation to its policy objectives, performance targets and / or particular service areas; and
(k) Have the authority to establish task & finish groups, standing panels and sub-committees as necessary to discharge the functions falling within the remit of the committee.
Overview and Scrutiny Committees Terms of Reference
Each Overview and Scrutiny Committee is aligned to one of the Wirral Plan themes of People, Business and Environment with responsibility for reviewing and / or scrutinising decisions made or actions taken in connection with the pledges that make up the respective theme of the Wirral Plan. The Overview and Scrutiny Committee is also responsible for scrutinising the strategies, policies, partnerships, transformation projects / programmes and supporting functions which operate in support of their Wirral Plan theme.
People Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Wirral Plan Pledges |
· Older People Live well · Children are ready for school · Young people are ready for work and adulthood · Vulnerable children reach their full potential · Reduce child and family poverty · People with disabilities live independently · Zero tolerance to domestic violence
Scope of the Committee |
To review and / or scrutinise any strategies and plans, and the delivery of these plans, including:
· Ageing well Strategy · Wirral’s Strategy for Children, Young People and Families · Improving Life Chances Strategy · All Age Disability Strategy · Zero Tolerance to Domestic Abuse Strategy · Safeguarding Strategy · Schools Strategy · Health and Wellbeing Strategy
To review and / or scrutinise the commissioning, management and performance of services for:
· Older People · Health and Social Care · Mental Health (all age) · Learning Disabilities (all age) · Children’s Care · Children’s Services · Education · Safeguarding
To perform the Council’s statutory responsibilities to undertake health scrutiny. The Committee will:
· Review and scrutinise any matter relating to the planning, provision and operation of health services in the Borough, including significant change to service provision and those jointly commissioned or delivered by the council. · Require the provision of information or the attendance of an officer of a local NHS body to answer questions and provide explanations about the planning, provision and operation of health services in the Borough. · Participate in cross-boundary overview and scrutiny of health services with other local authorities; including the establishment of joint committees; or the delegation of functions to another local authority, where appropriate. · Report to the Secretary of State for Health: - Where the committee is concerned that consultation on substantial variation or development of services has been inadequate - Where the committee considers that the proposal is not in the interest of the local health service.
Cross-Cutting Themes |
· Wirral residents live healthier lives pledge (link with Environment theme) · Community services are joined up and accessible pledge (link with Environment theme) · Liverpool City Region Combined Authority
- Councillor Cherry Povall, JP
- Mr Damian Cunningham (Co-Optee)
- Mark Harrison (Co-Optee)
- Mrs Gill Peters (Co-Optee)
- David Allison
- Jon Develing
- Val McGee
- Karen Prior
- Dr Sue Wells
Contact information
Support officer: Patrick Sebastian 0151 691 8424.