Issue - decisions

Treasury Management Strategy

26/02/2010 - Treasury Management and Investment Strategy 2010-2013

A report by the Director of Finance set out the Treasury Management and Investment Strategy for 2010-2013 in accordance with the CIPFA Code of Practice for Treasury Management in Public Services.


Resolved – That


(1)  the Treasury Management and Investment Strategy for 2010 to 2013 be approved;


(2)  the Prudential Indicators be adopted;


(3)  the Minimum Revenue Provision policy be approved;


(4)  the following Council Officers listed in Appendix F be authorised to approve payments from Council bank accounts for all treasury management activities;


  Director of Finance – Ian E. Coleman


  Deputy Director of Finance – David L.H. Taylor-Smith


  Head of ICT – John O. Carruthers


  Head of Benefits, Revenue and Customer Services – Malcolm J. Flanagan


  Head of Financial Services – Thomas W. Sault


  Head of Support Services – Stephen J. Rowley


  Head of Transformational Change – Jacqueline Roberts


  Chief Accountant – Peter J. Molyneux


  Chief Accountant – Robert D. Neeld


  Chief Accountant – Jenny Spick; and


 (5)  the revised CIPFA Treasury Management Code of Practice be adopted.