Issue - decisions

Next Generation Access Network for Wirral - Update

31/03/2010 - Update: Next Generation Access Network for Wirral

The Director of Regeneration presented a report which had been  requested by Members as part of the 2010/11 Budget. It set out the work undertaken to date in progressing the design, procurement and implementation of a Next Generation Access Network (NGA) for Wirral, outlined the next stages of development and sought endorsement of the way forward.




(1)  the actions taken to progress the design, procurement and implementation of a Next Generation Access Network for Wirral be endorsed;


(2)  Phase 1, providing improved access to Wirral’s business areas, be agreed and receive priority, now that sufficient funding arising from an allocation from the Working Neighbourhoods Fund (£7.7M) and revenue support of £1.075M from the Council’s Revenue Budget had been identified for the period 2010/11 to 2013/14 be agreed; and


(3)  regular reports on the progress on this important Investment Strategy priority be received.