Issue - decisions

Performance Appraisal for Chief Executive

02/07/2010 - Performance Appraisal for Chief Executive

The Director of Law, HR and Asset Management submitted a report which recommended options for a Performance Appraisal process for the Chief Executive in line with a Council decision from 2 November, when Council approved a Notice of Motion ‘Council Executive Pay’ (minute 59 refers).


Resolved – That,


(1) having regard to the National Guidance:


(a)  the appraisal is conducted by a working party agreed by the Employment and Appointments Committee;


(b)  the working party is supported by an External Adviser to be appointed from a recognised National or Regional body such as SOLACE Enterprises or North West Employers’ Association;


(c)  the Appraisal process is agreed by the Employment and Appointments Committee.


(2) the Working party considers the key accountabilities as its first task, in discussion with the External Adviser and Chief Executive;


(3) the External Adviser, in discussion with the Chief Executive, draws up proposed targets for discussion with the Working party. The targets should be ambitious and challenging whilst reflecting the political mandate and capacity to deliver;


(4) the 360 degree feedback process is facilitated by the External Adviser with the Working party;


(5) the Performance Appraisal is carried out in September annually.  This will enable the Corporate Plan to have been agreed and the outturn position for the previous year to be confirmed;


(6) the summary outcome of the Performance Appraisal is presented to the Employment and Appointments Committee as an exempt item;


(7) the Working party participates in a short briefing session with the External Adviser for the purpose of ensuring a consistency of understanding and approach;


(8) (a) the key issues exchange documentation is used as the basis for the discussion, with some amendments following the agreement to the process;


(b) documentation be signed off by the Employment and Appointments Committee.