Issue - decisions

The Sail Project

26/10/2010 - The Sail Project

A report by the Director of Law, HR and Asset Management informed the Cabinet of the current position with regard to “The Sail” project in West Kirby and sought approval to conclude negotiations with the proposed developer.  The report set out the background, the present position and additional information.


Councillor G Ellis apologised to the Cabinet for the quotes attributed to him in the local press that had stated that the Cabinet would not proceed with the project.  He informed that he actually said he very much hoped that the Cabinet would reject it.


Councillor Ellis then went on to make representations over the loss of car parking spaces that would result in West Kirby if the project was to go ahead and the resulting traffic chaos that was expected.  He indicated that he was in favour of development in Wirral and for a hotel in West Kirby but not on the site identified for the Sail Project.  The people who lived in the area were totally and utterly opposed to it.


Councillor J Hale also made representations against the Sail Project.  He raised concerns over the loss of car parking income that would result if the project went ahead and the adverse effect there would be on the local economy if car parking space was lost.  He considered that independent consultations should have been carried out and that it was wrong to strip away parking spaces.


A letter dated 14 October 2010 from Mr R Holmes, Chairman of the Merseyside Partnership addressed to Councillor J Green was circulated informing of the Partnership’s support, in principle, for another quality hotel in Wirral because it would attract investment and bring significant benefits to the tourism offer in Wirral.


Councillor G Gardiner informed the Cabinet that she would prefer to see the proposed developers given more time to resolve the parking problems.


Councillor S Holbrook moved the following Motion and it was seconded by Councillor G Gardiner:


“The Cabinet reaffirms that the purpose of this project is to secure a world class sailing school and supporting facilities for the West Kirby Marine Lane, and that a Hotel development on the Dee Lane car park is an enabling development to bring about that goal.


That, in view of the primacy of securing world class facilities for the Lake, Cabinet notes the views of Lake Users on the use of the spur for shared parking and accepts that shared use of the spur for car parking is not a viable solution.


Cabinet notes in particular that consideration of parking and traffic issues needs to be set in the broader context of the requirements of West Kirby as a whole.


Without prejudice to the planning process, Cabinet reaffirms its support in principle for an enabling hotel development.  However, Cabinet requires, as a matter of urgency, that a transport assessment is completed (setting out the best possible proposals for minimising the net loss of car parking) and the Stakeholder Consultation and Engagement Plan is revised, all to the satisfaction of Council Officers; and that this is completed by no later than 31 December 2010.  Cabinet authorises the Director of Law, HR and Asset Management (in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Corporate Resources, the Deputy Chief Executive (Interim Chief Executive, designate) and the Director of Technical Services) to finalise Heads of Terms for the Development Agreement once this has all been done, or to terminate the project if the deadline is not met.


Cabinet notes that Carpenter Investments no long have exclusivity in relation to this development and indicates the willingness of the Council to enter into discussions with other interested parties and potential developers on any alternative plans which they might have to provide world class sailing school facilities.


A further report be brought to Cabinet on 13 January 2011.”


Councillor A Hodson moved the following Amendment which was seconded by Councillor D Elderton:


“Cabinet recognises that:


(a)  the primary purpose of the Sail Project has always been the re-provision of the existing Sailing School in a high quality building that responds to the regional and national importance of the Marine Lake;

(b)  Carpenter Investments have worked diligently to develop a scheme that would deliver this outcome through enabling development consisting of a high quality boutique hotel on the Dee Lane Car Park, which would bring in excess of £5m of inward investment and create over 50 jobs;

(c)  economic circumstances beyond the control of either Carpenter Investments or the Council would lead to a revised development scheme which created a significantly increased net loss in car parking in the vicinity; and

(d)  the development has become highly controversial within the local community, which would lead to Carpenter Investments being asked to develop a Consultation and Stakeholder Engagement Plan.


Cabinet considers that;


(a)  despite the endeavours of Carpenter Investments there appears to be little realistic prospect of a resolution of the car parking issues to our satisfaction;

(b)  making further efforts to resolve this issue may be likely to delay the possible improvement of the Sailing School;

(c)  in these circumstances, it would not be reasonable or appropriate to expect Carpenter Investments to expend further monies on striving to resolve this issue; and

(d)  similarly, it would not be reasonable to require Carpenter Investments to refine and implement its Consultation and Stakeholder Engagement Plan.


Accordingly, the Director of Law, HR and Asset Management be instructed:


(a)  to express the Cabinet’s sincere appreciation and thanks to Carpenter Investments for their considerable commitment to the Sail Project since 2007, but to inform them that the Council will not proceed further with this development; and

(b)  following consultation with the Director of Technical Services and the Director of Corporate Services, to report back to a future Cabinet meeting with options for securing the future enhancement, or reprovision, of the Sailing School, without involving any material net loss of public car parking in the vicinity.”


The Amendment was put to the vote and carried 7:3.  It then became the Substantive Motion and was put to the vote and carried 7:3.


RESOLVED: (7:3) That Cabinet recognises that:


(a)  the primary purpose of the Sail Project has always been the re-provision of the existing Sailing School in a high quality building that responds to the regional and national importance of the Marine Lake;


(b)  Carpenter Investments have worked diligently to develop a scheme that would deliver this outcome through enabling development consisting of a high quality boutique hotel on the Dee Lane Car Park, which would bring in excess of £5m of inward investment and create over 50 jobs;


(c)  economic circumstances beyond the control of either Carpenter Investments or the Council would lead to a revised development scheme which created a significantly increased net loss in car parking in the vicinity; and


(d)  the development has become highly controversial within the local community, which would lead to Carpenter Investments being asked to develop a Consultation and Stakeholder Engagement Plan.


Cabinet considers that;


(a)  despite the endeavours of Carpenter Investments there appears to be little realistic prospect of a resolution of the car parking issues to our satisfaction;


(b)  making further efforts to resolve this issue may be likely to delay the possible improvement of the Sailing School;


(c)  in these circumstances, it would not be reasonable or appropriate to expect Carpenter Investments to expend further monies on striving to resolve this issue; and


(d)  similarly, it would not be reasonable to require Carpenter Investments to refine and implement its Consultation and Stakeholder Engagement Plan.


Accordingly, the Director of Law, HR and Asset Management be instructed:


(a)  to express the Cabinet’s sincere appreciation and thanks to Carpenter Investments for their considerable commitment to the Sail Project since 2007, but to inform them that the Council will not proceed further with this development; and


(b)  following consultation with the Director of Technical Services and the Director of Corporate Services, to report back to a future Cabinet meeting with options for securing the future enhancement, or reprovision, of the Sailing School, without involving any material net loss of public car parking in the vicinity.