Issue - decisions

Support for Wirral's Coastal Resort Towns

12/11/2010 - Support for Wirral's Coastal Resort Towns

A report by the Interim Director of Corporate Services informed Members that along with other seaside local authorities, Wirral had been allocated a revenue grant of £200,000 to boost action in driving forward economic regeneration in their priority seaside towns – New Brighton, Hoylake and West Kirby.


The report outlined the type of economic activities the resources could support, and sought Members’ views on how they wished to allocate the money between the three coastal resorts and how they wanted to involve the relevant Area Forums in the consultation and decision making process.




(1)  the grant be notionally allocated on the basis of £100,000 to New Brighton and £100,000 to Hoylake/West Kirby;


(2)  the respective Area Forums take a leading role in encouraging and evaluating applications and schemes against the criteria for award of the grant;


(3)  the recommendations of the Area Forums be presented to a future meeting of Cabinet for decision.