Issue - decisions

Birkenhead High School for Girls Academy - Capital Works, Contract Award and Final Business Case Submission

30/11/2010 - Birkenhead High School for Girls Academy - Capital Works, Contract Award and Final Business Case Submission

A report by the Interim Director of Children’s Services served to update the Cabinet in respect of the progress of the capital scheme under the National Academies Framework at Birkenhead High School for Girls Academy and sought approval to award the contract valued at £12.125m to Willmott Dixon, under the National Partnerships for Schools procurement framework.


The report had the draft Final Business Case appended to it as Appendix 1.  Sections 2, 5, and 6 of the draft Final Business Case were included within an exempt appendix at Agenda Item 21 (Minute No. 239 refers), because they contained exempt information relating to the financial business affairs of a third party.




(1)  call-in be waived so that the final business case can be submitted to Partnerships for Schools immediately for approval;


(2)  the relevant officers in the CYPD, Legal and Technical Services Departments be authorised to continue detailed contractual negotiations with Willmott Dixon, to achieve financial close on the project and to put in place the appropriate legal agreements between the council, the Academy and the Girls Day School Trust to allow the works to proceed;


(3)  following the review of the Contractor’s Proposals and confirmation that the proposals meet with the Authorities requirements and that the Funding Allocation and Final Business Case are approved by PfS, Willmott Dixon be awarded the contract to undertake the refurbishment and construction programme at Birkenhead High School Academy under the National Academy Framework; and


(4)  the project be the subject of further reports as required.