Issue - decisions

Green Specification and Renewable Energy Generation by Council

30/11/2010 - Green Specification and Renewable Energy Generation by Council

The Cabinet was reminded that, at its meeting on 18 October 2010, Council had agreed to a Notice of Motion on renewable energy generation and resolved (Minute No. 45 refers):


(1)  to expand its renewable energy generation;


(2)  to instruct officers to ensure that renewable energy projects are an integral part of the Council’s office accommodation strategy; and


(3)  to instruct officers to report back to the appropriate Cabinet Member and to the Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee at the earliest opportunity.


The Director of Technical Services presented a further report advising Members of the development of a Green Specification in the form of a Best Practice Guide for designers.  The Best Practice Guide would require sustainable materials and products with recognised environmental benefits, and, where practicable, renewable energy technologies, to be incorporated into all Council building projects.




That the report be noted and the following recommendations be approved:  That


(1)  the Green Specification Guide (at Appendix A to the report) be adopted by the Council for use on all Council building projects;


(2)  all future Scheme and Estimate reports for building projects include details of proposed renewable energy generating facilities, where practicable, together with the associated costs and environmental and financial benefits of such enhanced schemes;


(3)  membership of the National Green Register be continued;


(4)  the Green Specification Guide be linked to the Developers Guide and promoted by the Technical Services Department; and


(5)  following the Notice of Motion unanimously approved by Full Council on 18 October 2010, officers provide a further report and action plan for the delivery of the expansion of the Council’s renewable energy generation including the potential for income generation, partnership working with renewable energy technology companies and social housing providers in order to generate cheaper electricity for the benefit of tenants and the Council.