Issue - decisions

Millfields CE (Controlled) Primary School, Eastham

30/11/2010 - Millfields CE (Controlled) Primary School, Eastham

A report by the Director of Law, HR and Asset Management sought authority to transfer the freehold of the premises of Millfields CE (Controlled) Primary School to the Trustees of the Anglican Diocese of Chester, subject to a leaseback in respect of the Children’s Centre within the buildings.




(1)  the freehold transfer of the school premises at Millfields CE (Controlled) Primary School to the Trustees of the Anglican Diocese of Chester be approved as shown on the plan attached to the report, subject to the agreement of satisfactory terms in respect the operation of the Children’s Centre and the Director of Law HR and Asset Management be authorised to complete any necessary documentation; and


(2)  the Director of Law HR and Asset Management be given delegated powers to deal with any similar transfers of school premises under this legislation, in consultation with the Portfolio holders for Corporate Resources and Children’s Services.