Issue - decisions

Any Other Urgent Business Approved by the Chair (Part 1)

20/12/2010 - Any Other Urgent Business Approved by the Chair (Part 1)

The Leader reported that he agreed to accept the following items of urgent business:




The Director of Technical Services outlined the current position regarding winter maintenance operations in response to the freezing weather


Since the start of the cold weather, gritters had been used on primary and secondary transport routes, which were prioritised by all local authorities to make the roads safe for motorists. Approximately 60% salt stock levels had been used so far, and representations were being made to the Secretary of State for Transport requesting that the national salt cell be activated to enable the Council to replenish its depleted salt supplies.


The freezing weather had severely disrupted bin collections, making many residential streets across the borough too icy for the bin wagons to gain access. Despite being unable to collect in many streets, Arrangements had been made for extra Biffa crews to work on the missed bin collections over the weekend and it was anticipated that the backlog would be significantly reduced.  The crews would to attempt all scheduled collections, but conditions in some residential streets could prevent access problems for the large and heavy vehicles.  Subject to improved weather conditions, it was envisaged that:


-  All green bins that were due to be collected during the week commencing 6 December will be collected by 13 December;

-  Green still outstanding from last week commencing 29 November, will revert to their scheduled collection next week;

-  Green bins will take priority over grey recycling bins;

-  Grey bins will be collected on their next scheduled collection day;

-  Collection of brown garden waste bins will resume from 13 December


The Director referred to last year’s experience of extreme weather conditions which had highlighted the need for regular communications through daily bulletins, press releases, the website, and the call centre. He reported that Biffa crews were working alongside the Wirral Community Payback Service and the Council’s parks and gardens team to grit the pavements and main shoppers’ car parks. The Council was also restocking grit bins, for use by residents outside their homes.


The Leader thanked the Director for his update report and also conveyed Cabinet’s thanks to the operational teams.


Councillor Rennie, portfolio holder, endorsed these comments and noted that the improved weather forecast for the weekend should provide the opportunity to “catch up”, particularly in relation to bin collections. She thanked Mark Camborne, Health Safety and Resilience Manager, for his role in co-ordinating resilience planning to respond to the winter maintenance problems and producing the daily communications bulletins to keep members informed.


On a motion by Councillor Rennie seconded by the Leader it was:




(1)  the report be noted.


(2)  the Director and operational teams be thanked for their efforts in providing a first class winter maintenance service to ensure that the most vulnerable people in society are helped and supported during the winter months.


(3)  Cabinet note that the UK is in the grip of its longest cold snap for almost 30 years.


(4)  revised Winter Maintenance Arrangements agreed by Cabinet 14/10/2010 following the formal review undertaken by Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 21 June 2010 have thus far worked well.


(5)  Gritting and associated activities have been evident during this period and crews have worked around the clock to ensure Wirral’s main roads have been kept free from snow and ice.


(6)  to date Wirral has spread some1500 tonnes of rock salt from its enhanced stocks and further supplies have been ordered.


(7)  Cabinet further acknowledges the work of the Area Forums in funding additional grit bins which have proved invaluable in allowing Wirral citizens to play their part in responding to these difficult conditions.


(8)  Wirral’s multi agency approach has once again proved successful with all Members of the Council being provided with appropriate and timely information and our thanks are passed to all those who have contributed to this.


(9)  based on previous experience, it is now known that the cycle of gritting, damage to our roads and salt shortages will inevitably follow and Cabinet reaffirms its commitment to funding additional salt supplies and continued gritting operations over and above normal budget provision.


(10)  Cabinet also instructs the Director of Technical Services to take appropriate action to continue to maintain the safety of the borough’s roads and repair all resulting pot-holes and to report back to a future meeting should it not be possible to contain costs within Departmental budgets.


(11)  any such costs over and above those that cannot be contained from the existing budgets will be met from Council balances.




The Leader referred to the vision for Peel Holdings' 18million sq ft regeneration scheme, the biggest of its type anywhere in the UK, covering 500 acres of derelict docklands. He commented that the government’s decision to approve the scheme and not to’ call it in’ for a public inquiry demonstrated its trust in Wirral people to make the decision.  The development would create tens of thousands of jobs during construction over a period of 30 years and approximately 27,000 jobs when complete. The Council’s task now was to assist Peel Holdings in finding the businesses to occupy their new buildings. 




(1)  the report be noted.


(2)  the following officers be thanked for their dedication and attention to detail which had resulted in the scheme receiving planning approval:


Jim Wilkie, Interim Chief Executive

Kevin Adderley, Interim Director of Corporate Services

Emma Degg, Interim Head of Planning, Engagement and Communities

David Green, Director of Technical Services

David Ball, Head of Housing and Regeneration

Ian Platt, Head of Housing

Joanne Storey, Principal Planning Officer

Matthew Crook, Senior Conservation Officer

Mark Smith, Head of Service, Streetscene and Waste

Joseph Smith, Group Leader, Technical Services, Traffic and Transport

Keith Rodgers, Principal Assistant Engineer

Richard Lewis, Investment Strategy Manager

Andrew Fraser, Principal Forward Planning Officer

John Entwistle, Principal Forward Planning Officer

Rose Boylan, Principal Economic Officer

Roy Jones, Group Solicitor




The Director of Law, HR and Asset Management submitted a report seeking Cabinet’s instructions on the recommendations of the Council’s Excellence Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 8 December, 2010.  Cabinet was asked to determine whether it wished to proceed with the joint sale of its car park adjoining the Hoylake Lifeboat Station.




That the disposal of the car park adjoining the original Lifeboat Station in Holyoke, in accordance with the previously agreed exempt terms, be approved.




A report by the Interim Director of Corporate Services provided an update regarding two European Funding bidding opportunities to address worklessness and to support apprenticeships, and requested approval for the required match funding as part of the next stage pf the application process to the Government Office North West (GONW). 


Appendix 2 of the report contained commercially sensitive information regarding the competitive tendering process the disclosure of which was not considered to be appropriate.


RESOLVED: That Cabinet


(1)  agree the match funding sum of £1,778,889 form Working Neighbourhoods Fund reserves and £500, 000 form the Apprenticeship policy option to draw down £1,876,270 of European Social fund resources to tackle worklessness and support apprenticeships in Wirral.


(2)  agree that a further report on the detailed offer letter for these bids is brought back in due course for the approval of Cabinet prior to acceptance of the ESF funding.