Issue - decisions

CYPD Capital Programme 2011/2012

25/03/2011 - CYPD Capital Programme 2011/2012

The Interim Director of Children’s Services presented the proposed CYPD capital programme for 2011/2012, including supporting information on the priority schemes. The report also provided an update of schemes included in the 2010/2011 Capital Programme.


The Interim Director reported that there were a wide range of projects identified in the Capital Programme, which would promote a number of the Council’s corporate priorities helping children achieve their full potential, creating more jobs in the local area and creating a clean, pleasant, safe and sustainable environment.


Resolved –


(1)  That the proposed schemes within the capital programme for 2011/2012 be approved.


(2)  That individual schemes be the subject of scheme and estimate reports, where applicable.


(3)  That the purchase of the Christian Brothers House at St Anselm’s College by the Edmund Rice Trust is supported.