Issue - decisions

Carbon Budget

19/04/2011 - Final Carbon Budget 2011/12

A report by the Director of Law, HR and Asset Management informed the Cabinet that as reported in the Interim Carbon Budget 2011/12 presented to Cabinet on the 21 February 2011 (Minute 331 refers), each Council service had been given an ‘allowance’ of CO2 to operate and deliver their services.


The report detailed the revisions to both the Carbon Budget and the Carbon Impact Statement and provided the Final Carbon Budget for 2011/2012. It also contained the responses to the other requests from Members.




(1)  the Cabinet


(a)  approves the revised Carbon Budget for 2011-12 contained in Appendix A to the report;

(b)  notes and endorses the revisions to Appendix B to the report;

(c)  notes the responses to the other requests from Members; and


(2)  a further report will be presented to Cabinet detailing the financial implications of the investment in the Solar Photovoltaic Project for approval prior to implementation.