Issue - decisions

Neighbourhood Plans and Area Forum Funding

27/06/2011 - Neighbourhood Plans and Area Forum Funding

A report by the Chief Executive set out the proposed approach for the development of a ‘Neighbourhood Plan’ for each Forum area.  The report included a proposed consultation programme to involve local residents in the development of these plans.


The report also set out an approach for distributing Forum funding in consultation with the Council’s Area Forums, together with proposals for developing the Council’s approach to participatory budgeting.  The report went on to outline proposals for the branding and positioning of the Area Forums, funding and ‘Neighbourhood Plans’.


Councillor J Stapleton reported that inviting people to contribute by consulting widely would result in a true vision for the Local Areas and this work would inform the 2012/13 budgetary process.




(1)  the approach to developing a ‘Neighbourhood Plan’ for each of Wirral’s Area Forums and the proposed consultation programme be endorsed;


(2)  the funding streams that will be subject to consultation, through the Forums, be noted and the broad principles set out in the report for the use of participatory budgeting to distribute funding at the October 2011 Area Forum meetings be approved;


(3)  the essential criteria for allocating funds through the Area Forums together with the specific aims of the funding streams set out in Appendix 1 to the report be approved;


(4)  the proposed branding and positioning of Wirral’s Area Forums be approved; and


(5)  Neighbourhood Plans to contribute to the Council’s overall budget setting process and influence its outcome.