Issue - decisions

Authorisation of Officers for Recovery and Appeals

27/06/2011 - Authorisation of Officers for Recovery and Appeals

A report by the Director of Finance sought authority for named staff to initiate and conduct the recovery of local revenues and business rates through the Magistrates’ Court and represent the Council at Valuation Tribunal Hearings and Housing Benefits Tribunal Hearings.




(1)  in accordance with the provisions of Section 223 of the Local Government Act 1972, the following Officers of the Council be authorised to institute and conduct proceedings on behalf of the Council in the Magistrates’ Court for the recovery of unpaid Council Tax and National Non Domestic Rates and the enforcement of associated regulations:


Mrs S Hutchison

Assistant Council Tax Manager

Mrs. K. Chan

Assistant Council Tax Manager

Mrs. J. Farrell

Council Tax Team Leader

Mr. J. Fisher

Rating Officer

Ms. J. Monks

Appeals Officer

Mr. B. Nulty

Council Tax Team Leader

Mr. N. Powell

Revenues Manager

Mr. I. Williams

Senior Rating Officer

Mr. P Macfarlane

Appeals Officer

Mrs. L. Roddan

Court Officer


(2)  in accordance with the provisions of Section 223 of the Local Government Act 1972, the following Officers of the Council be authorised to attend Valuation Tribunals and represent the Authority in appeals relating to Council Tax and Community Charge:


Mrs. K. Chan

Assistant Council Tax Manager

Mrs S Hutchison

Assistant Council Tax Manager

Ms. J. Monks

Appeals Officer

Mr. N. Powell

Revenues Manager

Mr. P Macfarlane

Appeals Officer

Mrs. L. Roddan

Court Officer


(3)  in accordance with the provisions of Section 223 of the Local Government Act 1972, the following Officers of the Council be authorised to attend the Benefits Appeals Tribunals and represent the Authority in such appeals:


Mr. M. Bailey

Appeals and Debt Recovery Team Leader

Mr. J. Cowan

Housing Benefits Team Leader

Ms. N. Dixon

Benefits Manager

Mrs. D. Eusoof

Benefits Operational Manager

Ms. I. Hughes

Housing Benefits Team Leader

Mrs. P. Hughes

Benefits Operational Manager

Mrs. S. Jones

Housing Benefits Team Leader

Mrs. W. Neil

Housing Benefits Team Leader

Mrs. K. Woods

Benefits Operational Manager

Mrs. V. O’Leary

Benefits Operational Manager

Mrs. H. Rostron

Housing Benefits Team Leader

Mr. S. Rostron

Benefits Intervention Manager Leader

Mr I. Abbinnett

Appeals Officer