Issue - decisions

Radio Frequency Identification of Library Books

27/06/2011 - Radio Frequency Identification of Library Books

A report by the Director of Finance detailed the current position regarding the installation and use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) for Library books and how it would help improve the service by automating the issue and discharge of books.  This was currently being installed at New Ferry Library with proposals for use at other sites, where a business case for efficiency could be made.  The report detailed the timescales and the likely savings and efficiencies that would be realised by these changes.




(1)  the Cabinet notes that the contract has been awarded to Intellident (Specialist Computer Centre) and the commitment to install the RFID system in New Ferry Library be also noted;


(2)  RFID be installed in all Libraries where a business case for efficiency can be made; and


(3)  the total cost of installation, which could be up to £1m, be funded from reserves.