Issue - decisions

Appointment of Consultants for Review of Homeless Services in Wirral

07/11/2011 - Appointment of Consultants for Review of Homeless Services in Wirral

A report by the Acting Director of Regeneration, Housing and Planning advised Members of the outcome of the recent tendering exercise and evaluation process carried out in respect of commissioning a review of Homelessness Services in Wirral, which the Cabinet had approved on 23rd June 2011 (Minute No. 46 refers) and sought Members’ approval to appoint GLHS Ltd to carry out this review on behalf of Wirral Council.


The review was required to meet the Council’s statutory duties under the Homelessness Act 2002, which included developing and publishing a new Homeless Strategy informed by a comprehensive review of all forms of homelessness in the Wirral area, assist in meeting one of the Council’s Corporate Priorities to significantly ‘prevent and alleviate homelessness’ and assist in meeting key targets in the Housing Strategic Plan (approved by the Cabinet on 23 June 2011 (Minute No. 45 refers)), to commission a complete review of homeless services and provision in Wirral and developing and implementing a new Homeless Strategy.


The report contained an Exempt Appendix which provided details of all tenders and their respective price submissions and evaluation scores achieved against the tender scoring matrix.  The inclusion of the names of the contractors, save for the successful contractor, was considered commercially sensitive and therefore considered exempt information under Part 1, Paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).  (Minute No. 189 refers)


RESOLVED: That the Cabinet


(1)  notes the outcome of the recent tendering exercise and evaluation process carried out in respect of commissioning a consultant to assist the Council undertake a review of Homeless services in Wirral;


(2)  approves the appointment of GLHS Ltd to assist the Council carry out the requisite homeless services review, required in connection with developing and implementing a new Homeless Strategy; and


(3)  agrees to the Acting Director of Regeneration, Housing and Planning, in consultation with the Director of Law, HR and Asset Management (or officers duly authorised by them) to complete any legal documents necessary to give effect to paragraph 2.1 (b) above.