Issue - decisions

Department of Children and Young People - Restructure

17/08/2011 - Department of Children and Young People - Restructure

The Interim Director of Children’s Services submitted a report on proposed changes within his Department following the Early Voluntary Retirement and Voluntary Severance exercise (EVR/VS), and the proposed restructure of the Department. The changes also took account of the transfer of the Transport Service that was previously provided by the Department for Adult Social Services and the Technical Services Department. The Committee’s approval was sought to re-grade/establish posts that were above spinal column point 49, including the restructure of the department from four to three branch service areas.


The current and proposed structures of each of these branches were submitted as appendices to the report.


The net savings following the EVR/VS exercise for all employees at spinal column point 49 and above were £499,019. The cost of regrading posts within the Department was £46,370. The cost of new posts within the Department was £85,488, making a total net saving at a senior level of £367,161.


In the absence of the Interim Director, the Chief Executive presented the report and along with the Head of HR and Organisational Development responded to comments from Members.


Resolved –


(1) That the re-structuring of the department from four Branch Service Areas to three Branch Service areas be approved.


(2) That the overarching Children’s and Young People’s Departmental restructure be approved as outlined at appendix two to the report.


(3) That the regrading / redesignation / establishment of posts above SCP 49, as set out in paragraphs 2.4.1, 2.4.2 and 2.4.3 of the report, be approved.


(4) That this Committee notes the transfer of the various transport related services across the Council, including Technical Services and the Department for Adult Social Services, and approves the new Integrated Transport Unit structure within the Children’s and Young People’s Department.