Issue - decisions

Private Sector Housing and Regeneration Assistance Policy

19/10/2011 - Private Sector Housing and Regeneration Assistance Policy 2011/12

A report by the Interim Director of Corporate Services sought approval of the Council’s revised Private Sector Housing and Regeneration Assistance Policy (referred to as “the Assistance Policy”) following consultation. This Assistance Policy had been provided using statutory powers. Any revisions approved would be implemented with immediate effect. 


The main emphasis of the proposed changes was to refocus the policy and financial assistance products on completing housing clearance commitments begun through HMRI, to prioritise home repair for vulnerable people, empty homes and HMOs. The report also updated the Cabinet on the current position with the Council’s Equity Loan administrator and proposed to replace equity based loans with interest free charges administered in-house, following the expiration of the current contract extension period.




That the revised Private Sector Housing and Regeneration Assistance Policy as set out in this report be agreed and implemented with immediate effect.